Driving Aids making people lazy and dangerous?

Would you not consider Mirrors an aid? Or the blind spot warning system?

How about the auto rev match? I’d say thats an aid…

I’d say everything Ive mentioned is an aid

Hell some of the “comforts” you mentioned I’d consider aids as well. It’s just how the AID affects a person, power steering isnt going to make someone lazy, they might not know wtf is going on right away if their P/S ever went but Its not making drivers lazy. But it aids them in making turning easier…

What is an aid? Something to help or assist someone, to make easier

AC, power Locks/Windows/seats etc are not aids, they don’t make the act of driving easier on a driver, they make it more pleasent…

The line your drawing between the two (comfort and aid) isnt as clear cut as that, a comfort can also be an aid, and vice versa…