Driving into Hell from NO resident

yea that guy has some balls…so sad to hear how these idiots are acting tho :frowning: i can’t beleive this shit

Id have to say your dealing with two different mind sets…

THese people are poor, prolly uneducated… you see the kids in the street they are acting like its a game. they just don’t understand. There is still no excuse for it, but they only know survival, being poor that’s all they know, and that’s when instinct and primal behavior kicks in.

I think the twin towers was a more centralized disaster, and being in the business district you have wealthy, educated people… who can understand the seriousness of the event.

My biggest beef about this whole thing is people knew that New Orleans was a disaster waiting to happen… how did people allow this city to thrive? C’mon, a city below sea level NEXT TO THE FUCKING OCEAN??? Sound like they had the same civil engineers buffalo had…

It’s stories like these that make me really wanna get my pistol permit and some guns… because the shit is gonna hit the fan someday, no matter where you live… and if Im gonna go down, Im going down in a blaze of glory.

You gotta listen to this shit


live streaming radio from baton rouge

^^^not working for me :frowning:


Didn’t work as live streaming radio for me…

It would play about 5 seconds, then buffer again, and not start up. When I’d click the link again… it said the same thing as before. :gotme:

hmm;. i just listeded to it for a good 5 mins strait

I can’t help but feel a tiny bit of sympathy for the carjackers trying to get out of the city. After a couple of days rotting away and starving to death in a disaster area I’d probably have lost my grasp on common sense and be trying to get out any way possible too.

You can’t compare this to 9/11. The reaction wasn’t different because wealthy educated people are more understanding than the poor & uneducated. The 9/11 disaster didn’t have thousands of people slowly starving to death and rotting away because they couldn’t get out. People’s homes weren’t destroyed. Basic life supporting resources weren’t destroyed. They could at least flush feces down a damn toilet. Bodies weren’t rotting in stagnant water turning the entire city into a breeding ground for disease. Old men weren’t slowly dying because they couldn’t get the medicine that is so readily available in the rest of the country. 9/11 didn’t give people the time to sit around for days watching helplessly as the world around them slowly died.

9/11 was a tragedy and my heart goes out to all affected by it, but was 2 buildings, 3000 (priceless) lives, and some political ramifications. New Orleans was just knocked back into the stone age. Those who didn’t die during the hurricane made it through just to face starvation and disease. I wonder what kind of North American disease epidemic will spawn from that putrid water?

Im sorry, I wasn’t trying to compare this to 9/11 for its similarities, but rather for the differences. I know this is a completely diffrerent group of people, and that was my point. I feel terrible for the black population that isn’t responsible for any of the crap that is going down. This is being smeared all over the news, and only helps for racists to point and say “see, we were right about all them n@#&^@.”

Yeah, thinking about how differently people react to crisis makes me kinda wonder about how I would personally handle being placed in a situation like this. Not sure how I would take it. :-\

ok I’m not sure about the 2nd pic of bush, and i’m not standing up for the guy whatsoever. The first pic was the classroom he was in when he heard the bad news on 9/11 so thats not even a legitimate comparison.

Its sad. That one Tragically Hip song really hits home now.