Driving Quiz.

i received an 85. couldnt find links to see which ones I got wrong, but I suspect I got the motorcycle question wrong and one about when passing what you should see in your rearview mirror before merging back into the right lane

You scored: 100


How do you score an 83 on a test with 20 questions?

Blah. Ninja edit.

Some of them were tricky but I aced that bish.

95, but the one i got wrong was just a mis-click.

You are waiting in an intersection to complete a left turn. You should:
Your Answer: Flash your headlights so that the other drivers will let you get through.
Right Answer: Signal and keep your wheels straight.

I’m pretty sure i know the answer to that. LOL.

I also know that you’re not supposed to turn your wheels, because if you get rear ended, you will be pushed into oncoming traffic.

  1. Not to bad I guess

yea wrong key haha i was doing too many things at once :stuck_out_tongue:

95, i missed the refusing an alcohol/drug test question.

Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 85

You scored: 95

only one I got wrong was this because I read it wrong. (thought it meant like while driving regularly, damn miltitasking))

  1. You may cross a double solid yellow line:
    Your Answer: Under no conditions.
    Right Answer: To turn into a business or driveway.
  1. Old people were able to score an 80 because they don’t test reflexes.

I got wrong:

-Test for presence of drugs/alcohol (my answer was also right because this quiz is terribly written).
-Keep driving at the same speed when getting passed (nukka better learn to speed up, is damn right).
-When driving in fog you should use your (fog lights, because I suspected a trick from this stupid test and second-guessed my original answer of low beams only, which was right).

Also, #19 is about the most bass-ackwards retarded way in history of asking how you know if you’re in a passing zone on the road, ever. They’re asking “Can you pass when there is no passing zone, when you’re in a passing zone, or when oncoming traffic is in a passing zone?” UGH.

90, for whatever reason i thought red signs with white lettering was a warning sign (i.e. DO NOT ENTER). I would think yellow signs with black lettering are more signs of caution, but oh well.


Your results
Review quiz answers
Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 100
How you compare
The average score for MSN Money readers is 81
The average score for your state is 81
The average score for men is 83
The average score for women is 78

Average scores by age
15-24 75
25-34 80
35-54 82
55-64 82
65 and over 80

Most of you morons shouldn’t be allowed on the road.

Some of the questions were ambiguous. Some of them were deliberately tricky.

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[Review quiz answers](javascript:SaveAnswer(1);)Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.You scored: 100
How you compare
The average score for MSN Money readers is81The average score for your state is79The average score for men is83The average score for women is78Average scores by age
15-247525-348035-548255-648265 and over80
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I scored an 80.

You may cross a double solid yellow line:
Your Answer: Under no conditions.
Right Answer: To turn into a business or driveway.

When you are merging onto the highway, you should:
Your Answer: Enter at the posted speed limit on the freeway.
Right Answer: Enter at or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.

If you approach an intersection at the same time as another vehicle, who has the right of way?
Your Answer: The first one who enters the intersection.
Right Answer: The driver on the right.

On a road with two or more lanes of traffic going in the same direction, you approach an emergency vehicle that is stopped with its warning lights on. You must:
Your Answer: Pull over to the right side of the road and stop.
Right Answer: Slow down. If possible, change lanes so you will not drive next to the stopped emergency vehicle.

Ha. Sounds like a familiar story…

i got a fucking 100 cuz im the fucking man AND EVERYONE SHOULD FUCKING KNOW IT!!!