Am I fAcked

I got cut doing 96 on 60 but it was in Ohio so i was wandering about do i get points on my license and do i have to go to a court and how much the fine will be any info would help

The ticket may be the least of your concerns right now.

^wtf are u a spelling bee winner

pay pal me 15 bucks and I’ll go get my abstract from the DMV to find out if I have points or not. I was doing 82 in a 55 this past March through Ohio and just paid the ticket.

U R fAcked

If your driving is any more reckless than your spelling, I sure do hope so.

Please tell me you’re posting from your phone or something. Because that might be the only logical excuse for your run on sentence of a post.

36 over?

Get a lawyer.

I got caught traveling 96mph in a 60mph in Ohio. Does anyone know if points transfer from Ohio to New York, or roughly how much the fine could be? Thanks in advance

livin4hockey hope off my dick

Ya dude hope off of his dick dUde

No points on your license but your Insurance will be notified - Ohio is one of the cooperative states.

Fine should be between $450 and $500

Lol, you know what you get when you divide by zero?

Do you drive a Steaurus 2000?

so much win in here. and its in off topic lol

“We Lookin For You”

Just quoting before the :lockd: