Driving Quiz.

that too :wink:

Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 90

How you compare
The average score for MSN Money readers is81
The average score for your state is79
The average score for men is83
The average score for women is78

I got a 95, but this question is sooo gay:

When you are merging onto the highway, you should:
Your Answer: Enter at the posted speed limit on the freeway.
Right Answer: Enter at or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.

I thought it was a trick question since everyone speeds on the highway. If you enter at the same speed as traffic and they’re doing 100, how is that the right answer ;E

Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 80


Dawn, ShiftDead and all of the others under 90%: Please stop driving :slight_smile:

80 here

If you throughly read through each of the options and could not get 100 on the first try, you should not be able to drive.

It is far too easy to get a license in this country, that really needs to change.

That’s asking wayyyy too much from the average person in this country.

85 :bloated:

You may cross a double solid yellow line:
Your Answer: Under no conditions.
Right Answer: To turn into a business or driveway.

i guess i didnt read through all of the answers

When driving in fog, you should use your:
Your Answer: Fog lights only.
Right Answer: Low beams.

idk, it was just a guess

If you approach an intersection at the same time as another vehicle, who has the right of way?
Your Answer: The first one who enters the intersection.
Right Answer: The driver on the right.

i got confuzzled at this one, i see a lot of other people missed ti as well

95, I got #7 wrong

A vehicle is passing you on the left. You should:
Your Answer: Keep driving at the same speed and do not slow down.
Right Answer: Slow down slightly and keep to the right. After the vehicle passes and is ahead of you, resume your normal speed.

Your results
Review quiz answers
Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 75
How you compare
The average score for MSN Money readers is 81
The average score for your state is 79
The average score for men is 83
The average score for women is 78

Average scores by age
15-24 75
25-34 80
35-54 82
55-64 82
65 and over 80


Your results
Review quiz answers
Most states require a score of 80 or better to get a license.
You scored: 100
How you compare
The average score for MSN Money readers is 81
The average score for your state is 79
The average score for men is 83
The average score for women is 78


  1. who knew.

I got an 85.

I got these 3 wrong…
You may cross a double solid yellow line:
Your Answer: Under no conditions.
Right Answer: To turn into a business or driveway.
If a police officer believes that you are driving under the influence:
Your Answer: None of the above.
Right Answer: You can refuse to be tested but will face stiff penalties for doing so.
If you approach an intersection at the same time as another vehicle, who has the right of way?
Your Answer: The driver on the left.
Right Answer: The driver on the right.

I feel kinda dumb.

If you read the answers I got wrong, they’re the ones that a lot of people got wrong. Like the crossing the double yellow line one.


I got a ticket for that before. :frowning:

You scored: 90

How you compare:
The average score for women is 78

Average scores by age
15-24 75

Not bad seeing as how I’m a woman and I don’t even have my license and I don’t drive.


I failed to think the merging question all the way through.