driving test tomorrow

at 1pm, any tips? thoughts?

Wear a low cut shirt and a mini skirt, apply some of your best dick sucking lipstick… oh wait chances are your a dude.

Um, be polite and not overly confident. I have no idea how the driving instructors in Buffalo are.

im taking it in lockport, my parralells are a hit or miss :confused:

do exactly the speed limit, come to complete stops, look both ways, two hands on wheel, do exactly what you are told, radio off, be polite, brake and accelerate gently, use common sense.

show that you’re checking your blind spots & mirrors before taking off and brake before the cross walk, those are the two things I remember I lost points for when I took mine way back when

After taking mine, i couldnt see how anyone would fail… I was 100% confident with driving then, but i was still kinda woried. The only thing he got me on was something about me hitting the turns too fast or some bs like that…

Just dont speed, 2 hands on wheel, be nice, dont look like a asshat, and try and not get all nervous and thinking your going to fail…

don’t block the crosswalks


How are you so good at PS and can’t drive? lol.

if your PARALLELS are hit or miss, you should probably have practiced them more before it’s time to take (fail) the test. lol

usually you get a huge area to parallel into though, so as long as you’re so-so it shouldn’t be a problem.

The best advice is leave the ac on to keep them happy. OH and dont take your turns too tight, and watch out for school zones!!!.

lay a big heater as you leave the curb and oh uea remember to signal when leaving the curb

Pass by the point system

Old people are worth 1 point.
Kids are worth 2 points
Ghetto Kids are worth 3 points
Ghetto kids on bicycles are worth 5 (harder to hit)

You need 15 points to pass

Good luck!

Make sure you tell the examiner to buckle up. Sometimes they don’t and wait for you to ask.

I lucked out on my test. I had only practiced in cars, but had to take my test in my mom’s SUV. Luckily when it came to the parallel park i was only halfway backed in and the guy was like “ok that good. Pull out and make a left up there.”

a tip on parallel parking that my old man taught me long ago.

pull next to a car thats parked on the side of the road so your mirrors are alligned, cut the wheel and start slowly backing up. As soon as your mirrors are at the cars/trucks bumper, start cutting the wheel back the other way and you will almost always parallel park perfect

do burnouts, and drift through all your turns

I did that and failed my test. I used the right turn signal when I was taking the left :banghead:

I’m sure only a few will get that

its so easy, if u fail… u suck

make sure you take it in a fbod and also put it in burn… newman knows what im talking about.

In lockport, they take you through a “no turn on red” intersection.

Watch for it, its at a traffic light, obviously.

Don’t get worked up over the instructor being a douche, most of them are.