raod test tomarro

i go for my road test at 11 o clock tomarro :uhh: hope i don’t get an asshole instructor

Instructor shouldn’t matter so long as you drive well. Good luck!

Yeah, same as what Stealtth said. Try not to make yourself over-nervous, just try to relax and drive very defensively. They probably won’t take you into rush hour traffic or anything so just pay attention, be careful, BE POLITE :slight_smile: and you should have no problems. Good luck man!!

Yeah, this is coming from the guy who was one point away from not getting my liscence on his road test :lol:.

look everywhurrr
and remember its not a driving test, its an observation test

if you drive better than you spell youll be fine :wink:

Left Pedal means GO and the Right Pedal means Stop Right?



hahaah yes, that explains all of your posts. no offense, but from your writing your age shines through :smiley:

hahahaha tripple :word:

when I took my road test, I was so nervous that I blocked not one, not two, but 3 crosswalks (even after she told me not to)… I passed though

Will you be driving a camaro tomaro?

good luck. :slight_smile:

i still cant beleive i passed my road test

  • hit the curb parrallel parking
  • looking in my mirror while going in reverse
  • spinning wheel in palm of my hand

No Drifting!!! They hate that.

yeah, but if you drive with confidence and understanding, i think that’s worth way more points than driving perfectly but like a timid, shaking kitten…

brake torques gain you extra points I hear

lol word… even says it in fine print on the form

yeah, i think i made her feel comfortable being in the car

1987…so you’re 19 and just now getting a license?

yea well i finally got a job and a car to drive so i could pay for everything my parents wouldn’t pay for a car i liked to i had to fund everyytihng

but i deff had a bitch and she failed me for going right on red too fast cause some asshole cut me off