driving test tomorrow

Waiting to find out if he passed… I’m hoping not, so that driving doesn’t take time away from his photochopping funnies. :lolham:


why are you taking a driving test?

Hmm. I assumed he doesn’t have a license yet?

power shifting adds points

i took mine in LP, got some nasty old bitch but she still passed me. had points off from cornering too quickly…at 10mph, you will be fine, gl

p.s. the no turn on red is true, watch for it


Drink a lot before hand.

oh, and most importantly… if it’s a woman, stop short :stuck_out_tongue:

Ghost ride the whip

i got my license. she yelled at me tho because my car didnt have AC, and she made me parralell a crooked car with concrete and ornage cones near i9t in a construction zone, and i saw that no turn on red :wink:

when she tested the kid infront of me, she made him take an immediate right, she told me left but i went right. i was like ‘oh sorry i was thinking of the kid you just did’

still passed tho, now im gunna go install an LCD screen in my mom’s saturn so i can photoshop pictures while driving

lol congrats :tup:

Oh god, I saw the thread title saying tomorrow, looked at the date saying 5/31, so I thought it meant 6/1.

Oh well, a lot of good advice wasted lol. (ghost riding)

But yes, congrats

psh you kidding? i dont need to be TOLD to ghostride a car,

n thanks bikerfry:)

now i need 4 wheels to wrap around a tree

:lol: So you can now legally drive on public roads. Welcome to the beginning of the end!


Ghost ride the whip



Doomed I tell yas! Doomed!

So did you lay down and sick heaters, crank Disturbed at the highest possible volume, parallel park by sliding sideways into your spot, mow down children, while street racing on the sidewalk, all while nailing the driving instructor in the drivers seat?

If not then you’ll never make it in this world

so she tells you to turn one way, you ignore her and turn the other way, yet you still pass. LOL. unreal. no offense, it just sounds pretty dumb to me.

also, PLEASE LEARN HOW TO FUCKING SPELL. OMG, its PARALLEL. you’ve now spelled it “parralell” twice. granted it’s not as bad as some of the idiot mistakes, but still…


so she tells you to turn one way, you ignore her and turn the other way, yet you still pass. LOL. unreal. no offense, it just sounds pretty dumb to me.

also, PLEASE LEARN HOW TO FUCKING SPELL. OMG, its PARALLEL. you’ve now spelled it “parralell” twice. granted it’s not as bad as some of the idiot mistakes, but still…


i know how to spell, mr. grammar police, but i’m pretty sure even if i called it P-Park people would still get the idea. however i don’t know how to ‘fucking’ spell, if your going to correct my spelling then dont use slang terms like ‘fucking spell’ OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG ::parreaklalellellel parks on your face::


if your going to correct my spelling then dont use slang terms like ‘fucking spell’ OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG ::parreaklalellellel parks on your face::


He’s got a point. And with his recent Photoshop contributions, I’m going to have to let him slide on the misspellings.

gd luck!

how fun would it be to show up for a drivers test and ghost ride it