

Chevy Testarossa ftl

hope you’re joking.


I hope that wasn’t local :rant:

Corvette Summer II starring Chad Nelson :dunno:

I hope it has porno red then :bigok:

There’s still a little room on the upper rear quarterpanel that some more shit could be taped to. Can’t believe anyone missed that…


A tractor trailer needs to put that car out of its misery.

still faster than mine

so it does or does not travel through time?

I hope it has enough power to pull all that plastic around :x:

probably not thats a old school vet

that car was great…

that depends if you can 3M tape a flux capasitor to it, :itr41:

Might be too much plastic to hit the magic 88MPH… :dunno:

pppssshhhh…wannabe knight rider