Drunk Driving Consequences?

I was hit head on by a drunk driver. a 62 year old woman had medication and 5 vodka tonics. she totaled my car, i had 3 other people in the car, and all of them were hurt either mentally or physically. I was the only one who came out with minor injuries (compared to everyone else) and i was still really fucked up. That lady could fuckin die for all i care. people like her who drink and put other innocent people’s lives in danger need to be punished hard. my friends and i were on our way to mighty taco for some food and we never made it. i woke up at ECMC not knowing what the fuck happened.

:lol: AWDrifter AND JayS agreeing w/ me…

Every once and a great while you’re right on something :wink:


i sympathize with you, thats a situation that i wish on no one.

but i stand my ground on what i think the punishment should be. Sober ppl get in accidents too. Cars are weapons, serious accidents like that happen all the time. Im not saying that it wasnt the alcohol that made her crash. I do however think that she should be convicted and punished to the full extent of the crime.

You think she should get death penalty for that? Life in jail?

not to be insensitive or a dick, but gimmie a fucking break man

can’t give the death penalty in new york, i think only if you kill a cop, but yes as much as we take it for granted, a car can be a very powerful weapon.

.08 is rediculous… .08 was made the law because the goverment needs more money, and wanted more people to “feel” like the government was doing something to prevent drunk driving.

do you really think a guy my size can be considered “intoxicated” after 3 beers?

I believe it is murder, or at least criminally neglegent homicide… I lean more towards murder for 1 reason. It was a choice that was made to get into a car and drive while intoxicated, It’ wasn’t like a bolt rusted on a rollerocaster or something… ther person made the CHOICE to get into the car knowing that they were impaired, and unable to drive… but figured they could make it the 2 miles or 5 miles or 10 miles home becase it was cheaper / easier than a cab.
I’ve looked at what a person my size has to drink for it to become DWI… (5 beers 1 hour) assuming .02 per beer and .02 being lost in an hour. I’ve drank this much or more and KNOW that I should not be in my car… I acutally figure about 3 drinks in an hour is my limit for getting into a vehicle and being able to drive normally (which is correct because .6 is DUI).

Ppl make stupid choices in other murders… Robbing stores, (needed money made poor choice) Killing wife / wife’s lover because she was cheating on you (Crime of passion, poor choice) should those ppl get off because they made a bad decision? What if they didn’t mean to kill them but they died from inuries?

PPl who drive drunk dont get in their car and think… well I’m gunna kill someone, but they do choose to get into their car and the potential to injure / kill other people is there.

Friendly reminder…

After NOVEMBER 1ST - Anything above a .18 is now Aggravated DWI.

This is what I have been saying too. And somehow people on here think it is somehow alright to make that choice to drink and drive. You should still get more of a punishment even if you don’t hit anything at all. That doesnt make you sweet at driving drunk or anything, it makes you a person who should be charged with attempted homicide every time you drink and drive at all.

So what about people on cell phones?
If you are sober and on a cell phone and cause a fatal accident should the punishment be worse because a sober person should have better judgement?

I’m sure it would be pretty hard to prove they were on the cell phone.

Cells phone records?

they’d need a court order

I believe that cell phones are a problem too… PPL who talk on cell phones drive like they are drunk… you can always tell ppl on their phones because they are doiing 40 in the center lane of the thruway and having a hard time staying within the lines.