This girl just ruined her life


LOL at the wall comments lol

Cait SizzLe U fucking dumb stupid fucking whore uy DESERVE to fucking die!!!

ewwww… looks like a blonde Dawn

no matter how hammered I was, if I’m a 20 year old guy I would not be letting a 17 year old drunk girl drive me.

I just found him on myspace.Dude is a creeper and obviously a pedo.

She’ll do well in jail…

fucking dumb cunt

she deserved to die. not that poor guy

and dead:meh:


I was wondering what all the commotion was! I live over there.
a 17 year old, hanging out with a 20 year old and she was drinking? you think either one of them would get some common sense. and where were the parents? Well, looking like that I guess the parents don’t care what she does. hoochie!

They will now that she ruined there life also

its not all about the parenting on this, how many kids do you know have great parents, tell them what not to do, but they still do it!

edit: age 17, who gets sued, the parents or the kid? if its going to happen.

I would say they both had it coming but I live in fear of LZ’s and ILC’s “compassion” for waiting on all the details, so ill bite my tongue for now :wink: Sucks for the families either way.

she can get sued, but I doubt she has any money. Its probably going to come from her college savings (if she has any, doesn’t look like she would) but if she doesn’t have any assets they can go after her parents or she claims bankruptcy. (I had a friend that was being sued do this at 16)

Also who ever gave her the alcohol can be sued.

Her parents are fucked; Royally. Odds are she is on their insurance as well.

stupid ass whore. she should die

lol @ the famous myspace pose: “Im gonna have my arm over my and take a picture so it stretches out my stomach so i don’t look like a fat bitch with a gut!”

maybe you guys should wait for the facts of the case before condemning her to death? You know for a 17 year old the legal limit is .02 right? Hypothetically speaking, she may have had one Mike’s Cranberry Lemonade and still been charged with DWI.

Her insurance company is gonna get screwed probably in the end. She’ll probably be doing some time in the slammer too.