DSLR guys, need a lense recomendation

So the wife and I picked up a Nikon d3100 a few months ago and while we have been learning a lot with just the standard 18-55mm lens the lack of zoom ability has become a bit of an annoyance. We’re going to Yellowstone next week and we would like to pick up a second lens that has more capability so I am looking for some recommendations of brands and specific lenses to check out. Not looking to spend a crap load of money, but we don’t want to buy a piece of crap either. Suggestions?

Price range?

Not more than $300 so really I guess I am looking at something like a 55-200mm, which from my research seems like it would fit my needs. I know you can get a nikon with VR for around 220ish, but are there other brands I should consider or stay away from.

You could probably pick up a 55-300, which sucks, but it does zoom… lol.
You could try to get lucky with a used 18-200, it may be a bit more.
18-135 is ok, and in that price range.

if your not anal about your pictures, find a used 55-300 VR on CL there around for under 300. if you want new BB has a 55-200 VR new for 199 now. was 249 a few months back.

A decent 18-200 lens will run you over $500 easily. The sigma version is around $300 used, but is terrible IMO. It just isn’t a sharp lens at all. Especially in mid zoom.

I’d recommend the 18-135. Good quality, sharp and a decent price. It may not zoom as much, but it’s still a significant and very useful range.

i picked up a 55-200 VR a few years ago and love it. i always make sure i take it to scenic areas when i’m shooting. highly recommended. and you can get it for under $300, brand new.

like i said for 199 you can go to BB and pick up the 55-200 vr for even less you can get the 55-200 non VR, if you go used you can most deff pick up a 55-300 vr for under 300

So other than Craigslist where is a decent place to buy used gear?

ebay if you have time to wait for auction to end and shipping