hey gents,

looking to try out an entry level DSLR again. I had a D40S a couple years back but never really used it and sold it. looking for something in that range again since i have no clue how to make full use of these things. I just find myself occasionally wanting to take a better picture that my point and shoots can offer.

saw dlatone’s d50 for it’s sold… looking for a deal like that


ive been thinking about selling my D80 and upgrading but id have to see what its going for and what there is for me to upgrade to first

okay let me know… i assume that the higher the model number the more expensive it is… i really just want to spend a coupe hundo on something to beat around with.

I GOT A D60 …

is a Sony A200 kit for under $300 a good deal?

a200 BLOWS. thats where i started before i switched to nikon.

i had a D40s and barely used it man… no point is paying for features i wont ever understand.

Find a cheap D40 on CL.

Here is one: http://buffalo.craigslist.org/pho/2802793947.html

Lowball $250 :wink:

yeah i’d rather buy through the forums from someone in the community… not really in a rush either

Id be willing to part with my D90 for a reasonable price. About a year old, comes with the stock 18-105 VR lens.

PM me with an offer

i picked up my brother’s Rebel XSi for now.

it needs a better lens, external flash and a bag though… would be interested in what you gents have