DSm Guys: Rau ran a new personal best saturday

Brent Rau Mitsubishi Eclipse 7.317 185.69

and on his first pass of the season. I talked to a few people tonight and apparently he is still on the 2.0 motor. that is moving for sure.

Ps today was eliminations and he won with a 7.5 in the finals

PSS- the next NDRA event is at MIR on April 9-10…I can’t wait


if i can get out of work I might just have to roll up.

thats flying!!!

wow…thats awsome!!!

haha, the only thing dsm left on that car is the block and head casting. but still a bad ass car nonetheless

you are right george but the fact his 2.0 motor made those supra powered cars his bitch this weekend is awesome

that’s all that’s dsm left about yours and my motors too tho…

oh yea no doubt, tube frame is the way to go…hehe

isent that without nitrous

yeah but with alcohol

Wow thats flying. Here are some pics…


Gary G’s cobalt is bad ass even though I am not into the pure race car thing.

edit the skyline in the pics did a 10.0 and still couldn’t win in the turbo 6 class