Dude Wins A Lambo!!! oh wait....

i would lose my licence for the 4th time in a matter if minutes if i won this car

interesting update:

After reading that I feel sorry for the guy.

Depending on the state, you can do a ‘title’ only transfer. For example

1)I bought my Viper from a guy in San Fransisco

2)Drove it to AZ on temp plate

3)Did a title only transfer to get an AZ title in my name

4)Trailer’d it to NY (I was moving anyway)

5)Registered it in NY


It’s not sales tax he is stuck with paying, its income taxes since him getting a free car is considered income.

I am sure he knows a way or two to dodge the income tax too…:rofl

lol how are you going to dodge the irs on a $300,000 item won publicly especially when you have to pay the taxes to even claim it?

the fact that he planned to sell it before he got it (smart move) and then still registered and insured it is proof that he may have crashed it on purpose imo. why would he waste all that money to insure it when he cant even afford the income taxes without putting his house up