Dumb Girl from LI just got her new BMW and asks a question


Yes. It means the engine is running. It’s not a golf cart




it’s all so clear now. there is someone with the same name on another forum i’m on and she was justifying that this wasn’t her.
i love how the first reply was probably the best

~Yes. It means the engine is running. It’s not a golf cart~

^^^LOLOL…one of the funniest things i have heard in a long time

kaliente is on here too now … not to be confused w/ xxkalientex or whoever that clueless bimmer owner is ( to lazy to reopen that thread)

Long Island go figures. Fucking rich bitch driving an 06 325 and the way she talks about it youd think it was used. “No problems what so ever, knock on wood. Brakes are perfect, no odd noises, car handles beautifully.”

I really don’t see what the big deal is. I’ve seen much dumber questions on here and UBRf. :gotme:

funny…but :repost:

I think it’s the third time this has been posted, at that!

OMFG…i forgot some people are actually that stupid :bloated:

Right up there with:

-The lady who thought her mustang was front-wheel drive.
-The guy who :tspry:'ed his camshafts on the cavi, and was pissed because there was no boost in power.


inb4 someone sells her a 100 dollars worth of horn fluid and charges her for a sparkplug rotation

And this possible re-post of a gem

jet fockin’ black

^ lol i remember the jet black thread.
still one of the best posts evaR

I am pretty sure there is a warning specifically against that as well as putting it on the steering wheel, your face, your genitals, etc.