
Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this. And TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF…

What are my chances?

Not good.

You mean not good like, one out of a hundred?

I’d say, more like one out of a million.

So you’re telling me there’s a chance…YAHH

okay harry


awesome movie.

Lovely accent you have there. New Jersey??

Uh no. Austria.

Ohhhhhh…Austrailliaaa. Lets put a shrimp on the barby eh?

Let’s not.

I might not have got that exactly correct, but any fan of D&D would know this

:rofl :rofl

My friend and I made 2 tee shirts with a picture of Lloyd and Harry riding the bike together on the front of the shirts, and photoshopped our faces over Lloyd and Harry.

We got so many ROFL’s from people when we walked by wearing them.

Best time evar.

“Where’s all the money? That’s as good as money sir, those are IOU’s. Go ahead and add it up every cents accounted for. Look, see this that’s a car, 275 thou might want to hang on to that one.”

^^ haah.