Dumbass dfrits BMW right into back of Pick up while trying to Drift lol

There is stupid and there is ths


there was no drifting.
no breaking the rear wheels lose.
just driving like a retard with neons in the rain.

hopefully that is the fate of all cars equipped with neon underglow

saw this on bimmerfoprums a while back, idiot nvr turned off the ASC

figures. an M3 will do donuts on dry ground all day… maybe it was the sweet wheels.

Chill yall, I got this. I think his neon light are find. :nod

wow thats all i have to say. maybe he’s getting road come and just couldnt take it hahaha

Wow there was a solid inch of water across the asphault of the parking lot and that tool still couldnt step the ass end out. FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL

sidenote: I LOL’d at rocketpunch’s sig.

Seems the guy who uploaded the video confuses drifting with violent understeer.

rofl at the fact the truck wasn’t even dented or scratched… them 250’s are beeeeeeeefy.

nothing good ever happens when underglow is involved… and I hope it stays that way.

DO we also consider puddle lights to be gay?

Cause I have seen puddle lights on some very nice cars.

r u comparing puddle lights to underglow?

I had underglow on my impala… i thought it looked alright… it was white though not any gay colors or anything.

the thing that i noticed was as soon as he hit the truck the reverse lights go on, was the guy even in the truck or did he jsut hit it so hard they went off hahah, not to mention if the guy was in the trunk and get rearended why would he want to back up?

I think they are different but i was asking if people do compare them to underglow

ohh, completely different in my book. No comparison.

wtf are puddle lights?

silly little lights that illuminate the ground around the doors. Usually turn on when unlocking a car or opening the door.

example on the subaru tribeca:

Probably had ASC on :rofl