Dust Shield lol wut?

Fine, here’s something that I was laughing at earlier. Enjoy.

+5 same man story dude lol. I figure quick and easy weight reduction.

Officially it is car chat!.. When I sneezed and farted at the same time I was in a minivan with 6 other people!..Yup windows closed due to rain, AC on, on “recirculate interior air” mode!!!..NIIIIIIIIIICE!..It just caused the fart to recirculate so we can enjoy it over and over and over again and again LOL!!!

hahaha, and did no one admit to the fart? Or did everyone pretty much know it was you? rofl

Well it was an awkward situation because if I was in a minivan with a group of friends everyone would of been like “WTF WHO THE FUCK FARTED?” “FUCK IT STINK!”…But!!! I was in a minivan with a group of strangers (free shuttle service for a automotive sub-prime lenders convention down town) and no one knew one another so it was reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyy awkward because you can tell people smelled it by the expresions on their faces, they were all looking at one another with that disgusted WTF look on their faces, but they were all too embarrassed to say anything.
Meanwhile I was just ready to burst laughing… It was an escapee type fart (A fart that slips out accidentally) with a rotten egg mixed with alcohol and with swamp ass sweat type scent…it was terrible.

Ahmad, Bro I am so sorry for taking over your thread and going way off topic I don’t know why but I tend to do that sometimes…but it seems like here at SON we have a thing about farts …at least me and Mark do LOL!

^I honestly don’t mind, I find it very entertaining. lol

Btw, watch that youtube link I posted earlier, it made me laugh so hard, maybe it was the post-exam alcohol spree.

maybe its cuz u two havent actually heard a fart from your own ass since u two met? not enough anal tension, little too much anal attention? i remember reading somewhere the things u enjoy talking about the most are things from your life that u no longer are able to do… so i do see your fart fetish being totally justified considering the circumstance

well u two ass pirates have fun, ill be in my room eating beans and listening to the thunderous roar or my super man sized flatulence, expelling farts that are nothing short of epic on the db scale, farts of monumental proportions, fart so loud that even Zeus himself would come down from mount olympus just to marvel in all its glory yet still being humble enough to giggle like a little school girl…

mmmmmKAY bye bye for now kids


Dude. Like what the fuck! HAHA. Way over board I must say.

You win

ahahaha, you should call into 102.1 The Edge for the “What’s wrong with you” contest.

You’d definitely win, LOL

And some of you may have missed it but Toronto240sx John has posted a couple of fart stories and they are always hilarious. Especially the elevator and the hot girl one.

yea well i was super tired , try narrating what i said in Morgan freemans voice, its even funnier

i remember all of them…

i nw something is wrong with me , i also enjoy peanut butter and mayonayse sandwiches

Hector, I remember when you posted “my tummy turns french fries into poop”.

I almost died laughing. Wow this thread’s direction is just…I don’t know what to say, AWESOME.

The worst is when you’re with a girl or in a professional situation and you have more lbs/min than a GT3076R pending release, and there’s nowhere for it to go…ass clenching only works to a certain degree.

i once had a really stinky fart just before going through a ride program… the cop definatly smelt it when he stuck his nose in the car… the look on his face was priceless.
and Farts are hilarious. tell me the last time you didn’t laugh at a fart? Cause i think farts are the only thing that is always funny. Jokes can be funny or not. But Farts always crack me up!!!


^That’s great, lollll he was checking for alcohol and got smurfed.