Dust Shield lol wut?

I was driving on the highway, hit a little bump, heard some metal to metal scraping coming from the rear left. It got faster with speed, I thought my calipers were dragging, but I put the clutch down and the car didn’t really slow as much as it should have with dragging calipers. Pulled over after the nearest exit.

My dust shield fell off and was just resting on top of the caliper and rotor, LMAO.

Scared the shit outta me…

Good story.

Good story. Would share it with my kids one day.

can we sticky this?

Same thing happened to me last year. I regularly go over my car…at least once a month (every oil change or so) I knew my backing plates were rusted pretty bad. Yet they did not look like they were going to fall off at all. Sure enough I kept hearing this weird noise every once in a while one day. Then I hit a big sewer on the way to my g’s house. Then it got bad. Pulled over. Seen the plate. Ripped it out. Good as new.

Good lesson. If your backing plates are rotted and it’s only a summer car. Rip them of. Better for the brakes anyways.

All year car? Replace them.

Not just for backing plates. That goes for everything. Never neglect your car. Sometimes, your life depends on it!

haha, god damn everyone on SON has become a dickhole…

Sorry guys, this is the most interesting thing that has happened to me all week other than getting raped by exams…sorry I’m not from “The Entourage” lol

fuk my life thats some crazy ass shit right duuurrrrr

lol I love SON.


I once sneezed and a fart came out at the same time,… no one heard the fart because it was covered up by the noise the sneeze made…yeah it was sweet…
That’s my story.

But did anyone smell the fart?

Better way to ask Mark;

But did anyone inhale the air that secreted from your ass?

This is bullshit. This type of shit never happens to me… FML.

Plastic Bag

Oh I’m shure they smelled it but no one could prove who it was…I just played along with the rest of them and started looking around with that disgusted wtf? look on my face LOL!


I officially love son… can’t believe this shit is car chat LMAO