DWE - Driving While Eating

Anybody else hear about this now? :rofl


addition to the no cell phone and text laws, the state of California has also adopted the no eating and drinking while drivinglaw. If law enforcement catches youeating or drinking while driving, they will pull you over and issue a citation. This has had many drivers perplexed and confused, but nonetheless has been enforced and will continue to be enforced by state law makers and enforcement. It has been studied by valid researchers that eating while driving constitutes for 80% of accidents. The first violation is a $90.00 fine, the second is a $240.00 fine, and a third violation is a definite suspension of your license for 30 days.There is no definite end as to what law makers will create to decrease the risk of accidents.

People are actually getting ticketed for this :banghead

Clarkson said it best



I eat, drink, text, drive with my knee (this is only on the highway), etc. while driving and I have come close to an accident maybe once or twice in my 8 years of driving. In 8 years. Twice. Come on.

How about instead of enacting all these ridiculous infractions the start retesting for a license at a set number of years. Honestly think this would help the skill set of drivers on the road and help remove those that should not be.

Hell, there are certain states (like Arizona) where you can get your license at 16 and don’t even have to renew it till you turn 65. No idea how that would work for a photo ID, can you imagine.a 60 year old showing a picture of them at 16?

old people. old people in buicks.


Driving While Old :rofl

Not only that…but charge $20/test or something. Stagger the tests = mucho money for the state each year in revenue.

It would get old fast having to take a test every few years. Plus, I can almost guarntee most would fail it again the first time thinking its cake. A lot of the shit that the driving handbook preaches most of us stop following the minute the dude signs off on your license.

Just ate a bagel as I was driving.

you fucking crook

Can’t touch this

I can touch it

Eating a meal from 677 while driving my TDI right now

Yeah but you have to think of the average driver. Like for example pretty much all my ex-gfs and actually most girls I know (not all women jus an example, dudes too) are total hazards to the roads. The closest I’ve come to swerving off the road was while getting road dome and I blame women for that too:lol

What would that do? Road tests are an absolute joke. Anyone can not eat or text for a half hour and then go right back to being an overconfident idiot. I dont have faith in people but it’s not hard at all to not break any laws for a short drive around town when you really have to

Pretty soon they are going to remove radios and ban talking, as those are both distractions as well when driving.

And Ollie…that’s hilarious :lol

“No drinking and eating law”.

I think that just pushed America cross the line. You can take our phones, you can take our guns, but you can’t take away our cheese burgers!!

Who would hate America so much to sign this into law? Clearly Obama…:rofl

Want people to stop eating and talking on their cells?

Make driving harder and requiring you to concentrate and use both hands.

Take away power steering, take away automatics, make windows roll down manually again etc.

Problem improved (never fixed but at least we will have manuals back)



How many bikers you see talking on cells or eating? Slim to none.

On that note…

Maybe just make everybody in the car wear a helmet? :ponder :rofl

I see alot of harley bikers smoking