Dyingwish autocrossing in north park


I agree, just watching it isnt too exciting. I mean if you get all sloppy and start fishtailing and spinning tire then I guess it would look fun…but then your times would suck.

Truth, I think auto-x looks terribly boring on film…no matter how fast you actually are.

Heh I might have to take the Vette out to one of these to see how many times I can spin it out and look like an ass. :rofl:

Did you happen to get a chance to see if you have that AC Bracket Lying around?

I completely forgot to look…I’ll check tonight and if I do…I’ll bring it for you on Sunday.

Do it, you’d be one of about 5 or so Vettes that come to every event.

looks like a duck and quacks like a duck :dunno:


Pretty much the truth. Though like bics said inside the car is a different ballgame. Especially if your in shitbox like mine lol.
[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq6wqshP9BI”]YouTube - 2008 Autocross season in review[/ame]

Darkstar if you show up to a event, that would be awesome enough I’d pay your way in :rofl: Hell April 26th at North Park is being designed by two vette guys.

knappie… i have to say a vette at autox is hands down the most fun i’ve ever honestly had on a track. it doesnt matter how sucky you think you did or didn’t do, everytime is a blast!

that video is great Chris. You car is a ton of fun to ride in!

Auto X is definitely a blast, trying to wrangle a high hp RWD even makes it more fun!

Who’s car were you driving? :slight_smile:

need more power steering!!!

Thanks! We even fit Berad in the car, more proof that it will haul anything :mrT:

Chicken arms + really slow manual steering = lots of swearing

you ya monkey killer

counter…slash that…OVer balance is key. :bigthumb: