Anyone headed up? Might take the soltice and try it out, never really auto-x’d before. Should be interesting.
When you say North Park, did you mean beaverun? SCCA is having a autox on the 29th, not North park. In the grand scheme of things all it changes is the location lol. Either place I’ll be there, if you want some help getting started lemme know! Trust me it sucks to watch, but its alot more fun to actaully do.
Real fast rundown of the next few weekends…
Sunday April 29th - Steel cities autox @ Beaverun
Saturday May 5th - NHSCC Drivers school @ North Park
Sunday May 6th - NHSCC Event #3 @ North Park
There are more events after those listed, thats just the next two weekends. There are solid weekend events from now sometime till the beginning of June I think. I’ll try to drop a line on here as some of them get closer.
ill go if others from the board go… but he meens north park they do it every sunday morning…
Not every Sunday:
Unless you mean a bunch of ricers get together and rev their engines at each other while driving around the park. “dood we’re so totally autoxing!!!”
^^ Im so totally going to totally autox then !!!
nah ive never been there I have only heard about it.
Nick you can borrow my helmet anytime since I’m currently on ‘Team Bystander’.
hell yah, btw dont think im going to beable to make it going to Norwalk. Maybe next week.
Neonmike already said what I was going to say, so yea
BeRad I think I was behind you last Wednesday, we were both heading south bound on Rt.8 . Unless there is another sliver debadged passat running around then you need to get on that shit lol. Why are you on team bystander?
chris & nick and im in and its going down im coming i cant wait it better be nice or shits going down
and i dont see why i cant do a co driver Be-RAD just let me know
i think ill make it out to watch at some point this summer. When i lived out in the south hills i went to the ones at the alleghany county airport, was always fun to watch.
and if anyone goes say hi to HABIB he is a class act
Beth and I will be going to the drivers school on May 5th, and should be out Saturday May 6th ass well.
Haha thanks Eric, stop up some weekend when you get a chance! And Dave good to hear you & beth are gonna go for both events :bigthumb:
Little insider info about the May 6th event at North Park. Course is being designed by two vette drivers. Hence the start will be a drag race start from one side of the lot to the other lol. Its something they do every year.
lol! I was telling matt that I wanted to do a boomerang course. Drag start to the far end, drift curve and straight back to the finish… Might actually stand a chance in dsp then…
for the drivers school at n.park: is there a pre-registration or is it like the other events where you just show up at 8:30?
Yea that was blkpe42…whatever and myself driving out to harmarville for hockey. Unless it was Hoagie in his white A4…he’s from Etna.
Team Bystander qualifications are as follows:
-Timing belt needs done, current CEL, not wanting it to blow up just yet
-lcoilovers need cleaned up
-18’s need tires
-will be needing clutch soon
It’ll be ready soon, I hope. Watching isn’t much fun.
can i come and watch?
I definately plan on coming out. It’s my first time autocrossing, and I’m looking forward to meeting some of you guys. Hopefully you guys can give me some good pointers.
hey nick are you gona go or what?
hey nick are you gona go or what?
hey nick are you gona go or what?