Would anyone be interetsed in autox lessons at NP?

At north park they hold a autoX school at the end of march. The rules are you could not have been to more than 3 autoX’s. I went to 2 so i can still go to the school. I was wondering if anyone else is interested? I went last year and had so much fun. Got a ton of laps in…so many I actually skipped my turn a few time. My car was getting too hot. I am pretty sure it is $20 and you need a snell approved helmet.

I been meaning to get into Autox for a good while so Im down, god knows Hondas are made for Autox, not drag racing like most people think :eek3:

i would be interested

id be interested but i dont have a helmet

i want in on this … who do you contact… i got the perfect car… sitting out in the drive way !!!

maybe,just maybe!

You don’t have to contact anyone. I think I got there (swimming pool parking lot at North Park)at like 8am last year and after tech in and a little bit of talking you were driving by 10am. Here is the website for the people who run the event www.nhscc.com.

The president of the NHSCC is a bit worred about the driver’s school because of the low turnout in 2004. We were considering holding it sometime after the first event of the year to allow word to spread of the school. Dates for next season are still tenative - and haven’t been posted to the site yet; so i don’t think they’ve decided on this yet.

hell yea, i def. wanna do that

i’ll do it… if the dudes with the s4 or one of the evo guys wanna give me their car. :bigthumb:

I was there last year. It was like 70 degrees and sunny and only 20 cars showed up. We broke into 3 groups of 7. I actually liked the low turnout, I got to get a lot of runs in and may have been the most fun day of my life. I haven’t been there since so I guess I still “qualify” for the school.

i probably would give it a try…

3 groups of 7 = 21
you said 20


Sorry I am a lazy 2 finger typer :smiley:

If you even think that just maybe you might wann do this, DO IT! I did it a few years ago and it was a BLAST. Big time. Seriously, you can’t believe how much fun it is. As lame as it sounds to some when you tell em about it and what autoX is, it’s an extremely good time.

Yeah i know I did it last year…I think it may have been the best time I have ever had. We got to get countless runs in which is what i think made it more fun. I would honestly say I liked it better than drag racing, it is like you got to think a lot more and react constantly.

i’d be game… road racing is funner… lets do a beaver run day…

although autox is fun, don’t get me wrong

I have never been road racing so I can’t say if it is “funner” But I would bet it is way moe fun than autoX and drag racing. The only downfall of it is the price. You can autoX for $20 but road racing is like $200.

that v-8 eatin up too much $ in gas :wink: :kekegay:

i just prefer coming into bends fast, 65+ … autox keeps you turning

i’m down for a beaver day although the price is a lot more not to mention how my 3800lb car will eat up tires and brakes, but it woul.d be a good experience