E-Mail notifications

Can someone (whitey) tell me why I haven’t been receiving e-mail notifications on thread replies? I know I check the box and i know replies have been made i just haven’t gotten a notification in a few days…

do they go into your spam mail folder?

because yahoo sucks sometimes…

i just ran diagnostics on the e-mail and it seems everything is running fine…


odd, I never have problems any other time. I did just get a notifaction from an old thread, but none of the recent ones. This is the only forum that this happens with. oh well, i’ll live.

i don’t get them either so you are not left out !!!

i get the notifications late with yahoo, but with gmail they come right away…

the mail gets sent through expedients mail farm that receives thousands mail messages a day… so i don’t think thats the issues… its not like i am running my own mail server, it just goes through the customer side for the business.

it took 4 hours for me to receive a mail message from my server to my yahoo account and 5 seconds to the gmail… it seems that its yahoo that is the problem

I don’t get them either (well I got a few, that’s it though), and I’m going through the Pitt server w/ the mail filtering turned off.

i know they are working cause i get all the bouncebacks from the people that don’t update their e-mail address… i gots no clue

ok… made some big changes on how pittspeed handles mail… let me know if you see an improvement over the next few days!


i dont get emails for anything :frowning: private messeges or threads im not loved by anyone :frowning:

i sent you a test mail from the diagnostic tool, let me know if you received it!

yep i got it

ok… are people seeing more emails? in a timely fashion?

haven’t got one in a few days despite having my threads replied to.


i dont get emails for thread replies

I’m down to getting none again, for a week or so I had been getting them.