E-Man: Let's find out..

As you know, I’m considering selling the Vette. I don’t want to spend the money to maintain two high HP cars. So, I don’t wanna keep hearing about how slow my Vette is (according to you, yours is faster) from you after I sell it.

Let’s get’er done. Wed late afternoon. 3rd gear punch. Best two out of three. Either me meet halfway and do it for a handshake, or if I come down there, it’s gonna be for 50 bucks to pay my expenses (if I win).

No drama, no hard feelings win or lose, and just our cars (no 988 cars playing street warz).

Race warz

And depending on who it is, whoever else is saying that my car is ‘not all that impressive’, etc, maybe you can get in on the action too.

E-man doesn’t drive his car. It’s for display purposes only. :wink:

I’m in… o wait. Maybe next year. :confused:

LOL. I don’t give a shit win or lose, however I’d rather know, than never being able to find out.

Oh shit cant wait to see this

I offered for this evening, but he declined.

Would be a good race, both sick cars.

Travis, I dont think I have ever even seen your vette. Like even a pic. What are specs and such?

01 ZO6 TT. 625whp@11psi, 786whp@17psi. I’ll be much closer to 17psi than 11 for this race, I’m not fucking around.

My friend may buy it. Shit, maybe this could be his test drive LOL. Not a bad idea, I could datalog as the boost has not been turned up in ages.

whatttttt t/t gonna go at it in ny ? no shit im in for a ride along . if ya win ya get all this man

You can ride in the trunk to help with traction, I’ll need it

is that a fat joke yo ?

No, lol, it’s a joke that I need as much weight as possible, ha, there will def be 2 people in the car. Prolly me and you in the driver seat.

mmmmmmm fun for me , i take it im drivin and your ridin lol

ok first off u fucking crooked eye tranny, if in fact your going to boost 17psi for this race, than thats 11psi more than i am currently running, what the fuck is the point? y not just race my m3? same thing u fucking tard! race gas vs pump gas isnt going to fly. not only that ur running meth. so yes stop trying to be all tough and call me out when in fact u and ur coolant blowing vette aint shit. turn it down to 8-9 even 10 psi and we have a race.

o and travis, your calling me out, not the other way around. there for you get ur makeup wearing ass down here. im not meeting u half way, im not paying for your gas, nope sorry. u want to race, u come down to the ALB when im not at work or at the gym. i do have a life, a family, a house and other things to deal with other than racing you so u can get your crooked dick off. some people do WORK you know.

/ rant

t/t is still stuck in the surgery . dont pick on him as it isnt his fault the doc quit halfway thru . but he does look like a tranny half way thru transition lololol

but he is still a good guy e-man dont get all bitter yo ya can get this to if ya win

I’d run be running pump gas and meth, that never changes, 11-17 psi. Why would I handicap my car? If I’m racing, it’s to win.

Everything else in your response is off topic and does not pertain to the subject. FWIW, I’m not working so I can take care of my handicap/elderly family.

No worries dude, I don’t have a ‘problem’ with you, I just wanted to see who had a faster car.