eagle talon-t=honda prelude-t

been there done that

keep the car, dont take your GF out on a date for a while (believe me, she has expensive taste), collect the 2 hundo and fix zee tranny… so we can have your dig showdownnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

fixes tranny…then new excuse will be…

“but i’m on snow tires!!”

that is the best vid i ever seen jim omg lolz

that was fucking great


Both sodes of this argument are such fggts.

Taking to time to make that video about your POS fbods to “dis” some equally shitty car says a lot…

comming from the all time attention whore of nyspeed that hurts newman, that hits me right where it hurts

I think you guys should settle this in a RACE! Sweet expensive Euro Caar, Vs. POS F-BOD OMGZ I cant wait!!!

newmans car is a track car, he didnt buy it to race from a 40roll.
i dont even know what he bought it for lol


It’s just funny because both cars suck.

By whose standards?

again ouch you hurt my feelings!

you like overpriced slow euro cars while wearing girl pants and i like my overpowered sunfire

how much did you pay for your car? Its not like its a car that most people can afford.

DO IT SCOTT! …you don’t deserve you car anyways hehe

i didnt see you saying anything when he had his sti? …

i had no reason to?

so all of a sudden chief wahoo is telling people to race!


Well i dont talk shit about how fast my car is, i drive my car as a DD when the weather is nice. So because instead of having my car towed to my house and then pushed in the garage i wanted to be able to drive it. My Clutch needs to be replaced and i have no money until income tax returns, car is in the garage bundled up nice and still needs the clutch :slight_smile: i cant wait til spring i’ll have a new clutch full exhaust and cam.

i cant wait for scott to sell me his car ! :wink:

Well its obvious you have something up your sleeve, it wont be the same car in your hands.

idk why you would waste your money? arnt you putting money into some integra?