Earth Day now = national burnout/run race gas day

fucking typical NY bullshit.

remember everyone, do a burnout tomorrow :thumbup

I am killing the environment every day I drive my emissions failing Eclipse.
I don’t need to do a big smokey burn out to put a hole in the ozone layer.
Good thing. Because I’m not sure the Eclipse could do a big smokey burn out. :rofl

douchebag, stop by and help me get motivated, i dont feel like doing shit! :lol

aww cmon, we need to shorten the winter up here, a little global warming wont hurt

I say this literally everyday its not 70* up here

I was wearing my “here’s for hybrid owners, you save more gas for me” T-shirt last night just to be an asshole. As I was standing next to my buddy filling up his tahoe at a gas station some guy in a prius pulled up to the pump behind us :rofl

i partook by having a huge leaf fire and burning plastic jugs with some potent chemicals in them…Fuck you environment!


fuck… i forgot about earth day. i think it was the day i pulled the motor and front end off the caddy though! so inadvertently spilled coolant on the lawn FTW!!!

way to poison your water supply n00b

haha fail

it was the neighbors lawn n00b! :rofl