Eatonualive vs 1badZR1

You forgot how he can out drink anyone as well. :thumbup :bowdown

OHH yeh thats right cant forget that

I hear you guys. Maybe I’ll make some passes in it when I’m working again and can afford to immediatly fix it if it breaks. It’d happen at Napierville, not The Valley, though, so the trap speed might be in metric:rofl

so the corrado on here trapped 117km/h?:lol

Could be! It’s a really great track though. Can literally get in as many runs as you want most of the time, and I don’t think I’ve EVER been tech inspected there.

wow wow wow…dont get me in this shit…I am just ray!!!

Wait, YOU are Ray?!?


lol dont worry your not in it

My car ran a 14.8 at 98 last year with a slipping clutch



Who the fucks ray? I know Lyman that has a red supra


omg HWY KNG himself is here!!! ALL HAIL

God look what i started


yeah good job

Im banning errbody :lol

Wtf happened in here??

I dunno who’s been in trav’s car but I’ve been in it 3 times I think. He does “beat” on it (WOT 2-3-4 and maybe 5, I dunno, can’t remember lol)… just not against other people. The car is obviously excruciatingly fast but I’ve never been in another 130+++ car to compare it to so no bench-racing from me. The fastest car I had ever been in before riding in his car was a 300C SRT8 so riding in the vette at 16 was a bit of a surprise, I literally think I almost shit my pants :rofl :rofl :rofl . Motherfucker didn’t warn me too so my neck hurt for a week. Also, with the stock exhaust and no wastegate dump it is EERILY quiet, like barely louder than stock quiet. Sweetness.

Also, trust me, I’ve been riding his ass to race germanpsi/1evlzr1/brooks etc etc for almost 2 years now. You have to understand where the dudes coming from, he’s old as FUCK (30 now, right?) and has had his fun with other equally or almost as fast cars in the past (I think multiple supras, 600+ horse IS300, a viper or two, I dunno). Also, his dad’s Camaro is boss too.

How many people in the “street racing scene” currently are 30+? Not that many. I know there’s plenty of older dudes in big block camaros and shit but still, relative to the 18-29 year olds theres not as much from what I’ve seen.

Trav, honestly, I have to agree with germanpsi a little bit, if you have no intentions of roll racing anybody on here I don’t know if saying shit along the lines of “nobody on here could hold a candle to what I’d build” can be justified/backed up.

/rant, this is just an opinion from a ratard in a slow fagmobile who knows most/all arguing parties and probably knows TurboDickhead better than all but 1 or 2 people on here. No nutswinging here, just facts and slightly edjamacated opinions.

both cars are slow!!! my I-6 swapped passat w/ a 150 shot will smoke both cars from a dig!!!

way to make this thread suck ass even more fellas.