Eatonualive vs 1badZR1

Why are you infatuated with me, and what I do, or don’t do with my car? Already posted several times that I ring the car out often, just not into street racing anymore, got another car for the strip, etc etc etc.

Yes, that was on a 67 with a closed wastegate LOL.

You must have the record then because i’ve never seen a car with a 67mm at higher than 750whp…

I guess so, as stated in previous threads I don’t get into the whole ‘world record’ game

Really? There are hondas making that power with 62mm

I’m sure. I did that run on stock head, stock cams, maxed out fuel, etc. I’m just the only one dumb enough to run it with the gate closed lol

Every site says 750hp max that I’ve seen…

**On a Supra

Take the car down the track and ill shut my mouth, theres nothing more annoying then a seeing someone post how fast their car is and never run it / race anyone on the street.

well i have a car thats prolly one of the fastest cars on shift…

i just dont care to race anymore… nor do i wanna run it at the track…

yeh im no nut swinger but brooks car made 740 with stock port head, stock cams, and a 62mm

word. trap speed > dyno numbers.

He shouldn’t cry about NOT racing and just cruising. If he wanted to TOOL around in a vette he could have bought yours or kept his stock.

Again, totally, totally missed the point. Since when is making 40-130 pulls on a regular basis ‘tooling’ around? The car satisfies my desires on the street, and when I wanna go to the track, I’ve got a car for that, too. Apparently you all are far too worried about impressing each other.

i think the fact that you talk about the power your car makes frequently is wat bothers they because them including i have never seen you use this power…

why do you throw the fact that you have lots of power around if you arent trying to impress anyone?

Ok and? This was in 03 (I think) and I didn’t post about it on the internet…it was a downpipe only, closed wastegate pull. Try it on your car, it should do it too.

Plus one homie!!


I think you are missing the point a little bit. All they are saying is don’t talk shit about being faster than other people, even if it might be true, unless you’re gonna race to prove your point. I could give 2 shits, and we all know your car is fast. I think it’s a very smart decision to not street race. I’d love to see you take it down the strip a couple times just for kicks though. This would be like me going around saying my cock is more crooked than yours, but not whipping it out or taking pics to prove it.

/slight PJB

mixed up “them” and “they” though :banghead

Haha I noticed. Kinda made my head hurt. I had to read over it a few times!

AS ALL!? Im not the one posting how many girls ive had sex with, how i can fuck a girl harder then you, how my car makes x amount of power, how i can build a car to beat anyone around here, how i worked on the almighty supra owned by Ray

were all super impressed

yeah you quoted it faster than i could fix it oh well