Ebay seller Scams a Scammer, MUST READ

LOL this is the funniest damn thing I’ve ever read… Its long, but please take the time to read it, its hilarious… This is how you get a scammer back by beating him at his own game.


The dell dude got arrested for smoking pot!

wow…i cant believe i just read that whole thing…

X2…but it was good


:slight_smile: good thing im bored and had time to read that! rolling on the ground at the pictures of the laptop! i like how it says"laser" on the bottom of the mouse!!ROFL

too funny

kinda anticlimatic but good

ha ha that guy paid 700 for a three ring binder

classic… the best part is the guys in the UK that accualy WENT to this guys cyber cafe and heard him bitching and getting loud and stuff lol.

lol, sucks to be him :slight_smile:

id like those 15 mins of my life back plz


sucker :bowrofl:

this thread has scammed me out of 20 minutes. :down:

Good concept, poor execution. no pics, no care.

i think it’s pretty amusing.


“I only wish I could leave you feedback on ebay because I wanted to leave EXCELENT SELLAR A+++ W@W LQQK OMGBBQ or something like that. I think feedback is so cool! I like to come up with new and exciting ways to leave it!”

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh there ARE pics of the pppowerbook… but none of that guys cyber cafe thing in the UK
