Who bought the laptop box filled with newspapers on UBRF...

I remember it happening…

Who was it?

That was a good story…

lol i want to lafffffff at the moron


That was the internet, not a UBRFer. The pppppppowerbook, no?

are you sure? i could have SWORN it was someone local.


This is what I was thinking of.


i dont remember it being someone local

i remember that - i don’t remember if it happened to someone local or not though… i really think i would remember that

It was someone here…I lol’d a lot too

Pretty sure it was not someone local, in fact I believe it went to someone out of the country?

definitely not that, but i remember that.

I’m telling you, this was local and when the person opened the box it was just full of rolled up newspapers.

If memory serves the guy had a nice laptop that he was selling for 300 bucks or something, he let whoever it was check it out, they agreed to buy it, so he “put it back in the box”, but really just handed over an empty box.

that powerbook thing is NOT it. that one did go out of the country (england if i recall), which is funny because the guy had to PAY the duty to get that…

That hapened to someone I was with… they paid 75 bux for it… downtown :lol:


Who was it, alex? Was it a board member?

hahahahaha who and are they on here???

please please please

WTB: more details!

Did the proceeds go towards buying a turbo kit?

no one on here is THAT stupid.

oh wait

lol I remember the thread, this was also part of it I think

Wasn’t a member, he was a pretty wasn’t a small kid either… here is the short story.

Myself and two friends come out to the parking lot over by where Quote is and there is a guy that comes out of nowhere with a laptop box. Guy said that someone who works for Circuit City(or Comp USA… something like that) gave this to him but he needed the cash. Said that he needed 200 bux. My friend said that he’d give him $10.

The guy was like, “y0, this has microsoft and the internet on it! Gimme at least 100.”

My friend said, “let me see it.”

guy,“give me something to hold on to, you’re a big guy.”

friend: “here, I’ll give you $75, let me see”

guy: “just don’t open it yet, there are cops over there”

We look as my friend is opening it and the guy runs… sure enough… news papers and the guy plays ninja by pulling a disappearing act. My friend wasn’t too thrilled and me and my other friend were laughing. We told him to resell the empty box for a hundo to at least make $25 bux off it lol.

:lol: that’s fucking hilarious.