EBay seller using a picture of my car without permission

  1. Print out picture
  2. Put in butt

I’d at least ask him to remove the watermark of the images. Technically, by doing that he’s saying he took that picture and/or has permission from the owner to use the picture to sell a product. Unless you signed a release form, that is illegal, but the time and effort really isn’t worth it. Just ask to remove the watermark.

Id flip shit man! Theres some H***b making moneyz off yo whip!

didnt bigred go through the same shit?

http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&um=1&sa=1&q=“Plaza+Linen+Service”&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&start=0 you’re now famous like Paul


Did Jesus help??



My work here is done

Oh no god! :ahh Oh noes! Oh noes! Not THE god!

This is unit 91 calling radio.
Dont call me radio unit 91.
Dont call me unit 91 radio.
Listen we need you to do a plate check, Alpha Niner Gringo. Got that radio?
Got it. Checking.
Unit 91 that plate belongs to a local Spurberry Police Vehicle!!
OMG!! It does?!


sword fight?

dont know. You can hardly tell what type of car it is…not that big of a deal.