advice on selling on ebay?

Just wanted some advice on selling stuff on ebay…
I have car parts that I need to sell and I was gonna put them on ebay. I’ve never sold on ebay and I understand what % they take and insertion costs…

just wanted ideas on what to put, how to attract people and what not…


ebay has been rising there rates

They will take like 4-7% or something like that and maybe a buck to list it.If you use paypal then that will be another couple bucks.

Make sure you fill the title up with as much as you can and always use a gallery pick so you can see a pic when scrolling down


use to host pictures, and they make a template for you.

This saves huge money, ebay rapes you on picture fees, and extras.

Just sell everything at 99 cents with no reserve, and you won’t get bit with big listing fees.

Offer paypal, or most bidders wont even bid.

I sell all my shit a a buy it now for 1 cent, and then the shipping is what I want for the item + shipping, this way ebay dosent get shit. I have been doing it for awhile now and they havent said anything to me yet. I know they are trying to crack down on this but I really could care less.

-Do research first, using completed auctions as a guide. That way you won’t waste time and money listing something that you won’t get enough money for. Use the most successful auctions as a guide on how to list your stuff.
-Host your own pictures.
-Take high quality pics. I always crop, lighten, etc on photoshop to correct them. I’ve noticed this makes a HUGE difference in selling prices vs something shot with a crappy camera phone in the dark.
-Clean the stuff up good. Again, huge difference depending on the item.
-A lot of buyers don’t search by category, so make sure to use the right keywords. Use up all of the space they allow you on the title. Also, say you are selling a trim piece from a Mustang. I will always include “GT” or “Cobra” in the title if it is correct for those cars as well. People will pay more for parts for those cars, as opposed to a less desirable Mustang.
-Include a thorough description. People want to know details. List the positives and the negatives. Condition, application, etc.
-Include years in your title, for instance write '82-92. You can search by year on Ebay motors.

There is surprisingly a lot of money in F-body stuff if thats what you’re selling. People will pay stupid money for stuff many most people wouldn’t even think to sell. And some stuff fetches a lot less than you think it should go for. Good luck!


I sell all my shit a a buy it now for 1 cent, and then the shipping is what I want for the item + shipping, this way ebay dosent get shit. I have been doing it for awhile noe and they havent said anything to me yet. I know they are trying to crack down on this but I really could care less.


I’ve started messing with that because of Ebay’s fees. $9.99, $35 shipping for something that costs $8 to ship! Because the part is worth $35. I also pad the shipping costs a little to make up for Paypal. And I sell stuff off of Ebay if I get a good offer. If I have 2 of something and someone wants to buy the one listed at a set price, I offer them the second one for what it’s worth. That way I don’t even have to list it. I’ve never had a problem yet.

Looks like everything I told you earlier.

whaca got?? any SBC stuff??? posi for an 89 maro??? im looking for stuff like that…

I recent;y sold a laptop on eBay. I sold it for $1570 plus $30 ship.
I got a $6.00 charge for listing it, $40 charge for selling it, and a $47 charge for damn PayPal. I lost almost $100 of my profit. Granted I made money, but make sure you figure out the fees before you list something before you lose money.


I recent;y sold a laptop on eBay. I sold it for $1570 plus $30 ship.
I got a $6.00 charge for listing it, $40 charge for selling it, and a $47 charge for damn PayPal. I lost almost $100 of my profit. Granted I made money, but make sure you figure out the fees before you list something before you lose money.


They punched ebay motors sales up to 10 percent.

Selling a 3500 dollar bmw motor would mean 350 dollars to the ebay pigs.

When we get an interested customer, I’ll call them on the phone and offer them 100 bucks cash to buy directly from our website and not feebay.


They punched ebay motors sales up to 10 percent.

Selling a 3500 dollar bmw motor would mean 350 dollars to the ebay pigs.

When we get an interested customer, I’ll call them on the phone and offer them 100 bucks cash to buy directly from our website and not feebay.


I post in my listing, item is available for sale locally. Seller reserves the right to end auction early. A lot of times a buyer will message me and ask a question of the sale and I will feel them out for the early buy and do it external through eBay.

In the fall I sold a 68 Firebird. It only cost $80 to list the car which was a steal. Then it never sold through ebay and I had 5 interested parties. I had the winner send me a certified check.

i just sold two cars.One for 3800 and one for 900 and ebay charged like 40 to list and a 50 buck final fee.
So 3800=90 in fees
900=90 in fees kind of fucked up




As a huge ebayer myself, I will say absolutely the #1 thing. Most people searching on ebay know at least what they are searching for.

I will never buy something from ebay if there is no photo of the actual object unless its something that a stock photo is all that is needed.

So just as everyone has said above. Pictures is the #1 thing.

A good positive story always helps too,sugarcoat the items you’re selling and you’ll always make more.I rarely buy from people who have 5 word descriptions.

you guys are forgetting… that every time someone lists an item but then pulls it due to making a local sale or direct deal, ebay is losing their profit. sure they still make some (from the listing fee, assuming that the reserve was set decently high)… but say a motor is listed, then the auction ended early - they are only making $ 100 instead of $ 350. that’s a huge gap.

before you complain about the ebay fees, remember that their site is helping you to reach hundreds or even thousands of people that otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get to.

so list any items you can starting at .99, pay a small insertion fee, and inflate the shipping just a little to cover some of the ebay/paypal fees. hey if your laptop sells for $ 1500, umm, thats MUCH MORE than you would prolly get than putting it in the paper or selling it on the forum or trading it in. so $ 100 in fees really isnt that bad.

on topic: defintely take as good of pics as you can. have a clear subject with the right keywords. a simple description written in GOOD english that people can understand, and format it to look professional.

Ebay continually upping the percentage of the money they take from the seller is the reason people do things to get around paying them money. Plus Paypal takes a bite out of my money (shipping too) even if the buyer doesn’t use a credit card. They have a ton of little ways to block you from making a dime without them getting a cut, so it becomes like a game.

It boils down to the fact that Ebay monopolizes the market, and they know it. They have no incentive to reward the sellers that keep them in business. What do I get for reaching powerseller status. A big fat nothing, other than a logo next to my name in my auctions and a notice that fees are increasing. I made them thousands, how about some free auctions or a discount or something? But I’ll still use them to make money, because there is no alternative auction site yet.


It boils down to the fact that Ebay monopolizes the market, and they know it. They have no incentive to reward the sellers that keep them in business. What do I get for reaching powerseller status. A big fat nothing, other than a logo next to my name in my auctions and a notice that fees are increasing. I made them thousands, how about some free auctions or a discount or something? But I’ll still use them to make money, because there is no alternative auction site yet.


So you got nothing from them, but you actually make money? If you’re making money then stop complaining. Try getting a B&M store and see how much fees you’ll pay.

You should take the EA scammers seminar on “how to scam your way across da interweb” All the cool EA kids are doing it.


So you got nothing from them, but you actually make money? If you’re making money then stop complaining. Try getting a B&M store and see how much fees you’ll pay.


Its just the fact they are constantly raising prices.On everything.Before it was worth it to sell something for 10 bucks you had laying around but now with the money that gets taken out its not worth the time or hassle