Ebay BS

i had my HID’s up on ebay a few weeks ago and i get this message from ebay saying that they removed it because i infringed on some sort of intellectual property rights.

You recently listed the following Fixed Price listing:

140204799649 - Bosch Xenon D2S HID Projector Package

The listing was removed because it violated eBay policy. We notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has been canceled.

The rights owner, Robert Bosch GmbH, notified eBay that this listing violates intellectual property rights. When eBay receives a report of this type of violation, we remove the listing to comply with the law.

Trademark infringement is unlawful and violates eBay’s policies. A trademark is a unique sign (such as a name, word, phrase, logo, or symbol) that a company uses to identify its products and/or services.

Using another company’s trademark in a way that may confuse buyers about the source of goods or services, or confuses buyers into believing that the seller is affiliated with, sponsored by or endorsed by the trademark owner is both illegal and against eBay’s policies. Examples include counterfeits, unauthorized replica items and items that bear the brand or logo of a company without that company’s permission.

Guideline: If the product you are listing bears the brand or logo of a company, but it wasn’t made or authorized by that company, don’t sell it on eBay.

The sale of counterfeits and unauthorized replicas of branded products is unlawful and not permitted on eBay.

You can send an email to: joerg.preiss@de.bosch.com

Thank you for your understanding.


eBay Trust & Safety

so i send them this message asking how i infringed cause i know i didnt

i received a message saying that i “infringed” on some copyright
information on an item that i am selling and i would like to know how i
am doing that when the product i am selling is what it is called. what
do you want me to do make up some name and then have someone complain to
me and give me bad feedback when they get something that is not what it
is? they are made by bosch so i dont know how i can be doing anything
wrong on this. here is the link to the exact kit that had up for sale
first one on that page and thats exactly what i titled my add as. there
is absolutely nothing wrong with my add and you have been misinformed.

so i get this response today

Dear Jeff,

Thank you for writing eBay in regard to your listing that was removed
from the site.

Your listing was removed because we received a report from Robert Bosch
GmbH, the verified rights owner, stating that the listing infringed
intellectual property rights. eBay developed the Verified Rights Owner
(VeRO) program to protect intellectual property owners. When we receive
such a report, we are required by law to remove the listing. Because the
request to remove your listing complies with federal law, we are unable
to reinstate your listing at your request.

Unfortunately, we have no information about how your listing infringed
the rights of the owner or how to correct the problem. eBay provides an
online marketplace, but we cannot:

  • Inspect items
  • Determine whether your item is authorized or legal
  • Tell you how to describe your item

You may be able to relist this item. But before you do, we strongly
encourage you to contact Robert Bosch GmbH to understand why your
listing was in violation and how you can relist your item properly. You
can contact the rights owner directly at the following email address:



eBay Customer Support

does this make any sense to anyone cause i think its total BS. i also sent and email to that robert bosch guy and he has not replied

Ebay sux for sellers is, and is kick ass for buyers, Ive been burned on ebay big time selling.

it makes no sense if they dont know how i infringed the rights then how do they have the right to take down my add

that suxs keep us posted on what happens and why im interested to hear

:biglol: :lol: :rofl:

:lolham: Dude you made my night!

Robert Bosch GmbH [1] is a German diversified technology based corporation which was started in 1886 by Robert Bosch in Stuttgart, Germany.

No real idea here, but if I let my mind wander I could think that Bosch would rather sell a new part to a cuatomer than have you sell a used one or in any form take a sale away form them. I suspect that they may well know how EBay works and could possibly choose to use it to their advantage.

This would be thinking the worst of course.

If you call them on it, they can always apologize and say…oops, sorry. Meanwhile you may lose the sale.

but if you search ebay for bosch you come up with hundreds of listings from o2 sensors and stuff why are those not taken down

your welcome:wiggle:

Dunno, maybe they haven’t gotten to them yet?

Interested in hearing what they say if anything.

Did you use their logo at all? Or anything else that wasn’t just typed words that said “Bosch”?

nope all the pictures were pictures that i took of the projectors and ballasts plus some pictures of the cut off when i had them on my car

FUCK EBAY! Fucking money grubbing idiots

Yeah, they’re so after the money they canceled a sale, something they would get their fee from if the item sold. :bloated:

And they’re such money grubbing assholes that they’re new policy has pissed of sellers because they’re going to hold the funds of a sale to make sure the buyer doesn’t get screwed.


Them removing the listing sounds like simple fear of lawsuits because the DMCA is so vaguely written that online companies can’t take any chances.

I was rofl’ing HARD.

Hey Man.

Long time ebayer here.

Here’s the low down on it.

Bosch feels as if having their parts on ebay will drive down their market. They filed with ebay saying that you are selling counterfeit items of theirs, and ebay yanked them.

Many companies are setting up vero accounts, and yanking down many auctions, because they feel it is cutting into their bottom line.

Try relisting without the brand name in the title…

X2. Maybe put “Bosch” in the sub-title because that can’t be found by the search engine, but it can be seen when the buyer is looking through the HID listings. I can understand if you were selling knock-offs, but thats insane! Whats next, Ford not letting people sell their used Ford cars on eBay because they would rather sell a new one? These companies need to stop this shit.

And eBay could give 2 shits about anything other than the bottom line. Sellers get fucked over in the name of “buyer safety”, yet massive scams continue to run rampant, and eBay sweeps them under the rug. But everyone, including myself, will continue to give them money until a viable alternative comes out.

but i already bought from them so they already have the money even if i do resell it. if every company did this ebay would be out of business cause thats what 95% ebay is; the reselling of items

Did you use a stock photo from their website?

nope all my photos

You said it better than me, but exactly the point I was getting at.

And yes they did sell one set to you, and if you re-sell it they won’t sell that other set to your customer.