ECE first Meet

Sept 4th 6pm at wilton mall by bonton is the meet date for all that have evo and lancers. any other cars are welcome to come and hang also. this is the very first meet and would want it to start off smooth.ill be there half an hour early so every one knows where to meet up… See u all Saturday the 4th.

Not much of an evo meet if every car is welcome eh?

I may be there in my near-stock ZO6. My boy Pete may also be there in his stock-ish Evo.

im saying everyone is welcome to come to hang but it is for evo’s and lancers. so the peeps that have the evo’s and lancers can join but every one else with a diffrentt model is welcome to come chill and check it im not going to be an ass and deny car lovers to not come. but yeah evo and lancers would join the club but any one else can come and chill and check things out…=)

Yo yo diz be Iceman it sounds like ya gotta have your racks rite to be in dis club but nice of ya’ll to invite errbody


Sounds gay, does mall security know you are doing this? Be prepared if not…

Shit I wanted to join the ECE club but I haz no Evo. Can you make an exception for a 69 Microbus?

Gonna do sooooooo many burnouts in this parking lot before and during the meet.

Lmao, do you allow 2010 nissan sentras? she does 200ft burnouts when i pop into down into L

lmaooo will see what happens its a meet and every thing will be discussed on the spot. our very first meet and i really really want it to go smooth. ill also see if i can get some car models to show up but its not a guarantee… plus if mall security has a problem we can relocate to another spot easy…

The vette is gone but I will be there in style. 96’ Jeep Cherokee Country Edition.

4.0L H/O. Mid 17 sec car, pretty quick.

This is not very good planning on the originator’s part. A good meet takes more time and effort than just picking a random parking lot next to some dumpy mall like Wilton and praying to the awd gods that nobody (law enforcement) bothers you AND that a decent number of people show up.


Mall security is going to RAGE on you guys.

+1 You apparently don’t know too much about Wilmorite security and Saratoga PD. I should set a vid camera up to record the real fun

Have fun :excited

You are seriously thick headed. That is all.:hug

Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo diz be Iceman, my momma got my racks rite for me so I got a whip for diz club, check out da general forum to see it ya herd