Ecko Tag's Air Force One

i was going to make the comment on the engines of the Airforce one in that you are correct you can just stand there and tag it like that, you would indeed need a ladder and a half to reach it.

good thread overall

just cool :slight_smile:


or you could fly up like superman

I know first hand the security around Air Force One. This is a pretty funny story looking back, but scared this shit out of me at the time.

My 2nd year at Buffalo State I got a job working for the catering service at the airport. Basically I’d get there a little before 4am, load up a van with coffee and ice, and head over to Prior Aviation via the access roads inside the airport to fill up the charter planes before anyone got there. I was one of the first people to be moving around out on the runway other than the occasional NFTA cop car.

Well, this unfortunate morning I forgot was while Clinton happened to be in Buffalo. I was running a little late so I was going a bit over the 25mph limit (read, a lot over the 25mph limit) on the access road when I came flying around the blind corner where the planes are parked at Prior. Next thing I know there are lights EVERYWHERE, men with guns yelling at me, and the instantly recognizable silhouette of Air Force One sitting in front of me.

Lets back up just second here. It’s 4:15am, completely dark out, I’m driving a shitty old Chevy van with a worn out CA-1 Services logo on the side. The lifters are shot so it sounds the engine is full of marbles when you gas it. Imagine you’re a secret service agent and you see this POS come barreling around the corner heading straight at Air Force One…

Yeah, so I had the enjoyable experience of being dragged out of the van at gunpoint by some very surprised and not particulary happy secret service agents. After going over my ID and confirming with NFTA that I was supposed to be there I was told that Prior Aviation would be off limits for the morning.

Moral of the story… don’t get close to Air Force One, even by accident.

what a moron

they rented a 747, painted it to look like airforce 1 and then made the fake video

I think even that story is BS. The engine size to person size is all wrong. You can really tell when he starts spraying the paint.

fake. strokes could be real, as in that smooth and quick due to practice but size is noticeable off. his arm is 1/2-3/4 the size of the engine? okay i bet.

clever hoax to make a buck or two along w/some video game, hmm? tagging? okay. dude has too much time on his hands. tagging was cool, if you were good and created artwork, artwork which people can appreciate/learn and/or think because of…that is why “tagging” AF1 would be crazy, but unrealistic.

being in the air force and all, the security forces would be all over his ass…there many cops pulling “flight” detail on any base where planes are and there would alot more at andrews afb where AF1 is grounded… if he broke “red” (meaning breaking the restriction zone) the cops would pummle his ass in a second

I though that when it comes to a civilian tresspassing on a miltary base, the usual policy is shoot first and ask questions later. Or am I still stuck back in the cold war days?