Ecko Tag's Air Force One

watch the vids…

cant believe he didnt get shot

Homeland security at it’s best. :lol:

I’m not much for tagging but that is damned impressive.

LOL, serves the right…nice security…

tagging is :gay:

Secret Service Sniper 1 “Isnt that the guy from Ecko?
Secret Service Sniper 2 “My kid has like 15 of his hoodies”
Secret Service Sniper 1 “Should we shoot him?”
Secret Service Sniper 2 “Nahh lets see what hes doing”
Secret Service Sniper 1 " S…t…i…l…l…f…r…e…e…, ROFLMAO let him go thats fucking hilarious”

WOW, he’s lucky he isnt dead.

Thats pretty Balsy(sp?) especialy putting a movie up on the net saying that you did it. :tup:

I call BS. No way in hell is some moron is going to be able to tag that plane, it is guarded 24/7, lets use some common sense…

Pretty good fake though, he has the $$$ to do it (the faking)

yeah you would think that that could be fake because number 1 i assume that would be a federal offense messing with airforce one, or any plane for that matter, im not sure on airplane laws… but he would either be dead or in jail i would assume.
some would construde this an act of terrorism if they saw him and his pal’s approaching airforce one at night in all black.

it’s not fake, there were gaurds all over it, did you even watch the video?

Thats not even that good of a tag, i mean airforce one he could of done something nicer lol

hmmm, seems like a pretty cool dude… the second video is interesting.

That doesn’t mean it’s not fake.

if that’s a true vid (blocked at work :frowning: ) than that guy’s gotta clink when he walks. :eek:

Nah i took a wild guess, what do you think?

Have you ever seen that jet within 500 yards? You’d know that engine is bigger than a damn UPS truck and somehow his tag went over half way up it in ONE stroke… ROFLMAO

Did you watch the video??? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

I gotta agree something isnt right about it, the engines on airforce one are huge he would need a ladder to be able to paint up the side of it like that…

The engines are over 8 feet off the ground, and are over 10 feet tall. Jumping the fence is going to get you 5 years in a federal bang you in the ass prison, willful destruction of aircraft will get you 20, and i’m sure there are some clauses just for AF1 that will get you life. I call BS.

I got pwned, look at the legal disclaimer:

Please read the language set forth herein carefully as it may affect, inhibit, modify or otherwise influence the interests or perceptions of any end user (hereinafter “you” or “end user”) viewing the preceeding video (also referred to herein and hereas as “The Still Free Video”). You, the viewer of the preceeding are hereby advised that the video does not depict a real event. It is intended for the sole, limited and express purpose of entertainment and to induce you, the viewer of the video, to think critically about freedom of expression and speech and the government’s responses to the same. Therefore, and by reason of the foregoing, the producers, creators and distributors of this video hereby verily certify that the foregoing fictionalization and dramatization was not real. Furthermore, and without limitation now, since the beginning of time and without perpituity, the producers, creators and distributors of this video and anyone else who was involved in the making of this video assume no risks or liabilities stemming from or related to your (“the end user’s”) viewing of same and assume no liability for any damages that result directly or indirectly from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletions of files, viruses, errors, defects or any failures of performance, communications failures, theft, destruction or unauthorized access. Copying, duplication and distribution of this video is encouraged.

Not necessarily true. My aunt Kathleen Rumpf and Martin Sheen led a group of protestors over a fence into the school of americas, and they vandalized and damaged numerous jets. She immediatly went on a cruise. The minute the ship came back into american waters she was arrested and choppered off the boat. She went to court, plead it down, and spent ~6months in federal.