Economic Stimulus Package Check...??

LO fucking L

got a letter from IRS stating my refund would be MAILED no later than 5/16/08. I thought it would come via direct deposit like my regular refund did. My last two of my SS # according to the other link said I should have had it last week. Therefore that IRS info is worthless.

:word: im in the same failboat i guess…

i got mine today, ‘15’ are my last two digits. and fuck at only 478/600 :frowning:

yea i’m in the same boat. i’m in the first batch per my last 2 #'s. no money yet. was direct deposit. I also fit all the criteria to get the full 600.00… but i’m not surprised, it is the IRS after all.

you owed them 122bucks lol… :lol:

^ i dont get it? I got close to 2g back from federal and $400 from state

stimulus check info

If you make more than X amount for your bracket then it is deducted from your rebate amount.

If you owe defaulted student loans, the IRS, or child support, they can take your rebate without notifying you first

A lot of ppl (inc myself) didnt get the child tax rebate (for me it was an extra 600) but there has been word that it will be refunded in june

also there have been a lot of single ppl getting less then the 600 they were supposed to get back that didnt make over there allotted bracket. unfortunately i have no idea why these ppl didnt get there full amnt

there have also been ppl that got another person’s rebate check which could mean you got someones check that was offset or they werent going to get one completely so in other words, some crack head is bangin off your rebate and you are stuck with

ok soo i got my 600 in the mail two days before tommorow… =)

damn i didnt know being claimed as a dependent disqualified