Stimulus Checks

ive got a question? Im only 17 and my parents claimed me as a depenent on there taxes. But i got a paper in the mail saying any person who made more then 3000 dollars would get a stimulus check. now i cleared way more then that but will i get a check even though my parents claimed me as a dependent?

Nope…even if they DIDN’T claim you, you still wouldn’t get it…anyone who is eligible to be claimed on someone elses return, even if they weren’t claimed, will not receive the stimulus check, just bum the 300 off your parents that they are getting because of you!

ha ha ya that would go over real well hey give me 300 dollars that you got because of me even though you baught me clothes and shoes for about the first 15 years of my life feed me to this day take me on vacation with you have birthday parties for me my dad mite punch me in the face lol but i just think its bull shit whether or not you get claimed or your eligible to get claimed or not i payed taxes just like everyone else did and i think i should get the compensation every other tax payer will get. now hey most kids my age would give a shit less i just dont think it right

They got the check, not you, it’s just shifted to the parents instead of the dependents, no real wrongdoing there.

If you want to talk about what’s not right with the Stimulus package, ask someone who paid a crapload of taxes in the highest brackets and gets nothing while people who paid less than a third of the taxes he did get $600.

now just hear me out even though you very well may not agree with my reasoning the people who arent getting anything obviously made a decent amount of money in 07 correct? so im sure 600 dollars isnt making them lose any sleep at night

It’s not about losing sleep. It’s about you whining about not getting money when you made a couple of grand this year (and your parents got the stimulus money that you’re complaining about anyway), while people who paid more income tax than your entire household income will get nothing.

Entitlements are slowly destroying this country and people who think like you are helping the process along.

“Gee, they have lots of money, F*&# them, all that matters is me, I want money and I should get it!”

For what it’s worth when I was living at home and working my parents would gain more by claiming me than I would by claiming me so they would. They would then pay me what I would have saved by claiming me. Maybe I just had nice parents. If I was working I’m sure they would have given me the part of the stimulus check that was because of me. If I wasn’t working they probably would not.

exactly what my parents did… except i was always working so i always got it. :dunno:

I wanna know why the hell i only got $538 and not my full $600… wtf is up with that?

I got $578 or somethin. Dunno why either.

was that your refund or your stimulus check?

i am not in the bracket but made enough to get zero back

i didnt get mine yet…im supposed to get 1200 since im married

but it says on the irs site that you will get up to “300” or up to “600” etc.

just hear me out… that thinking is garbage.

how is this so misunderstood so many times over? tax brackets and payments are percentages of income…i make more i pay more… it’s not like i pay LESS than anyone, infact, i pay more than most… so how in the hell do you justify the statement? you paid $450 in taxes this year, i paid $45,000… but i do’nt need free money… i’m loaded :doh:

its not about being nice to be honest because i get a bunch of shit off of my parents i just dont think its fair and for you 90tsi ya im 17 so ya its me helping this process along im just gonna quit responding to this all i wanted to know was if i was entitled to a check xlogic answered my question so im done

damn dude… don’t get all worked up. You’re the one that said $600 to someone isn’t a big deal… i’d just like for you to think about it, no matter if you make millions $600 is still brakes and rotors, 12 tanks of gas, or 1500 packs of gum. money is the constant with all people and the tax bracket cut off is not some far off number that only millionaires deal with. many more people fall into this than most this. what isn’t fair is to give an economic stimulus check to the “american public” yet excluding the people that pay the most.

And believe me i completely understand that and maybe what i said was wrong but do you understand where im coming from though i payed taxes i payed for this i payed for that and i didnt make to much money i just felt that i should get one it was just my rant and you know im not gonna ask my parents to reimburse me lol even though there the reason im not getting one but i completely understand where the rest of yins are coming from.

and i apologize for sounding like an irrogant prick but that was just the way i felt

you don’t sound like a prick and i totally understand where you are coming from… i flipped shit on my parents, i think i was 19 even at that point and my dad decided to claim me… i was making decent money for a kid and that totally screwed me… i ended up paying something like a 1000 bucks for my parents to recoup 2800… total crap.

im sure we both got our income tax returns a month or so ago. I did…

On my bank website is says " Tax Refund" Im guessing that is the Stimulus?