Stimulus Checks

:rofl: Wow,and I was bitching about the fuckup on my part and had to owe them $56xx. 45k fuck that :eek:

I still rather deal with the IRS than the DMV, sad but true :stick:

That was my stimulus checkā€¦ Now that this thread has turned to shit just like every other thread here.

quit posting

I grabbed a numberā€¦ i donā€™t even look at what i pay over a years timeā€¦ it can make you uneasy about how shit really works. :slight_smile:

fixedā€¦as the old saying goesā€¦they get you cominā€™ n goinā€™

1000 boy i wouldnt even be so pissed if it was only a grand i mean believe it or not it seems like i have no life all i do is work on my days off i call previous employers to see if they need help i love having my own money i think i payed over 2500 dollars in taxes last year and then turns out 2 of my employers didnt take city taxes because they werent located in the city so when i go to get my taxes done i was almost up to an 1100 dollar return when she typed in my info for my two employers i ended up owing the city 600 and some dollars this whole tax thing this year just sucked BTW it was my first year for taxes

once a company didnā€™t take states for over 6 monthsā€¦ i worked out of new yorkā€¦ i owned tens of thousands of dollarsā€¦ another company set my exemption to 2 instead of 0ā€¦ i ended up paying again. it all sucks. when you get hired, make sure they take state / local and that they exempt you properly.

The sad thing is that this should be simple for any company to do. When HR departments make stupid mistakes like this, it ends up costing you at the end of the year (I know it ends up being the same amount of money, but it is much easier to just have it taken from your pay than to pay it out of pocket). Luckily, I have never owed any federal taxes at the end of the year, just a little here and there for state and local but it is usually less than 100 bucks for both my wife and I at the end of the year.

What do you mean exempt you properly?

im gonna say take the proper amount of taxes out of each pay so that youre taxes gradually instead of all at once at the end of the yearā€¦ i donā€™t pay too much attention to mine but i believe itā€™s 0.

thats what im sayin its still the same amount of money but when there taking it before i get it in my hands its like i never had it once its in my hand i hate giving it back lol

I hate taxes of all kinds.

One good example is Emissions exemption stickers. Itā€™s easy, simple, fast, requires nothing except recording the mileage, which has to be done anyway, no OBD scan, no tailpipe test, no special equipement, yet it costs nearly as much as a full on emissions sticker. Itā€™s a complete crock.

What does the state charge inspection stations for exempt stickers anyway?

2 bucks lol

you can either pay more during the year(less take home pay but bigger refund at tax time) or pay during tax time(more take home pay but usually end up owing the gov some money when doing taxes) depending of how many dependents you claim.

I take the most take home pay I can, I donā€™t like the goverment holding my money for a year and giving it back to me as a refund.

10-4 man, Iā€™m the same way. It pisses me off that they can force our employers to withhold the taxes in the first place. Why canā€™t I keep the money, earn 5% interest at ING direct, and send in my thousands of dollars of ā€œfeesā€ in once a year. I mean if someone did the calculation on the time value of money that the IRS robs from Americans, Iā€™m sure it would be an astounding amount of money.

ya like the government is giving it to you to be nice like a refund i understand why everyone gets so pissed about taxes now that i pay them:op: