Fitness Freaks Inside!!!


I wish I could workout more… I use to be into it alot more the past couple of years. Now Im in my senior year of college and it just seems to be alot harder to find time to keep a steady routine especially now that I work two jobs so I can pay the bills on top of takng the challenging courses to get my finance degree. Anyone have any suggestions for me to gain a little size without having to go nuts at the gym?? Ive never had a problem gaining some solid muscle, I just lost alot of it ever since my car accident and havent had time to gain it back. Really looking for a routine that is short, sweet, and to the point. Ive even considered going back to basics of pushups, pullups, situps, simple stuff you can do at home…


So can you make it to the gym at all? There are some good workout styles that can have you in and out in 30min or less and i think three days a week would be ok. There are plenty of good things you can do at home also. Could you get a bench and some weights to work with? You can stay in pretty good shape without stealing all of your free time.