Fitness Freaks Inside!!!

Whats up guys i just thought i would share a new program i am using. I see that alot of people deffinatley overtrain and generally dont see the results the could from the effrts they put in to lifting. Anyhow it is the P/RR/S (Power/Rep Range/Shock) system founded by Eric Broser. I have been using it for the last six weeks and it has worked great for me. I see alot of beople especially beginners lift too heavy all the time. Training volume is another thing i shake my head at there are guys i see doing 30+sets in a workout LOL. Everyone is different and i realize different people respond to different types of training. But this one has blown me away so i wanted to share it. PART 1 PART 2 This site has lots of tips and techniques to add to the program.

Anyone else with a good workout tips methods excercises feel free to add them. Happy lifting

Three week program
week one POWER 4-6 reps 4sec negatives
week two Rep Range 8-12 reps 1-2sec positive contractions
week three Shock two supersets and a dropset that smokes the liveing hell out of you laving you crying like the wussy you are.

No interest this is good stuff.

I’m sure it is, but my training program consists of actually getting to the damn gym lately. :stuck_out_tongue:

steps on scale “Oh how nice. I’ve gained 10 pounds since my wedding.” goes back to the gym for the first time since June

I wish I could workout more… I use to be into it alot more the past couple of years. Now Im in my senior year of college and it just seems to be alot harder to find time to keep a steady routine especially now that I work two jobs so I can pay the bills on top of takng the challenging courses to get my finance degree. Anyone have any suggestions for me to gain a little size without having to go nuts at the gym?? Ive never had a problem gaining some solid muscle, I just lost alot of it ever since my car accident and havent had time to gain it back. Really looking for a routine that is short, sweet, and to the point. Ive even considered going back to basics of pushups, pullups, situps, simple stuff you can do at home…

Cliff notes on routine?

Here’s my current lifting plan:

Food: High protien/fat “diet”, no carb on days I dont lift. Mostly chicken, 95% lean beef, eggs,salmon, veggies. 1 multivitamin/Omega 3 pill a day

Lift 3x a week, load up on carbs on days I lift to boost insulin, drink a protein shake +carbs before I lift, and immediately after.

Lift heavy, 8-10 reps that are at point of failure (not being able to lift more than 4-8 reps). Do 3 sets of each exercise, change up the routine every other week. (Say for chest, hit the bench and do incline/butterflys, then the next week do decline/regular)

Drink a lot (water)
Sleep a lot (hit 7/8 hrs a day)

In the past month, I’ve lost 16 lbs and gained 5 lbs of muscle. Once winter hits I’ll bring carbs back in to the equation and start eating a lot more to bulk up., along with lifting heavier to bring the PoF to about 4-8 reps. This should boost my ability to gain more muscle. Right now im doing too much cardio/no carb on the days im not lifting to sustain prominent muscle growth.

Woot for cutting life sucks while cutting. Anyhow im cutting right now as well but i dont follow a super strict carb diet. I just cant do it. I am probably at about 60%pro/30%carb/10%fat right now. Since im cutting i am using a 5 day lifting and 5-6 days cardio a week right now. Im under 10% BF so im keeping the small amount of carbs i do eat. I have been strict before and found it dosent make a big difference for me so i keep them. I am using Optimum Nutrition Pro complex in the morning and before bed and ON Whey after workout. I also take a NO/BCAA/Creatine mix before i workout and BCAA/Creatine/Gatorade(for carbs) while and after im working out. They are all Controlled Labs products. I should have done cliffs check it and ill add them.


I wish I could workout more… I use to be into it alot more the past couple of years. Now Im in my senior year of college and it just seems to be alot harder to find time to keep a steady routine especially now that I work two jobs so I can pay the bills on top of takng the challenging courses to get my finance degree. Anyone have any suggestions for me to gain a little size without having to go nuts at the gym?? Ive never had a problem gaining some solid muscle, I just lost alot of it ever since my car accident and havent had time to gain it back. Really looking for a routine that is short, sweet, and to the point. Ive even considered going back to basics of pushups, pullups, situps, simple stuff you can do at home…


So can you make it to the gym at all? There are some good workout styles that can have you in and out in 30min or less and i think three days a week would be ok. There are plenty of good things you can do at home also. Could you get a bench and some weights to work with? You can stay in pretty good shape without stealing all of your free time.

How tall are you and what do you weigh? The only reason I’m doing no carbs on non workout days is to lower my glycogen to burn fat more efficiently, then boost insulin when I do workout to lift heavier. Right now I’m at 173 at 5’9, and still have plenty around the waist, so I’m defining a shape before I bulk. Once I do bulk my metabolism will shoot up and I can eat alot more from having the muscle mass to burn it off.

Or something like that lol

Where’s my beer? :wink:

Oh yes i completley understand what you are doing and its right i just dont because i dont have the self discipline to keep the carbs out of my diet. I am 5’ 10’ 168lbs. Not much around the waist but still enought that im doing an hour of cardio 5-6 days a week untill my cutting is over around the 22nd this month. Then i will be on vacation to buffalo and i plan to ruin it but Im starting my super duper bulking plan starting mid next month i cant wait. I am very restrictive in my diet dont get me wrong. Right now i would say im staying >200g of carbs daily taking in most first meal and around the workout.

nudes to see progress?

Check e-mail

What about bigger guys? I want to do both get bulk and get even bigger but would like to cut down some weight. Would that first routine do me better or the bulking up one? How dependent on it is diet, im mainly just watching calories and im not sure how much diet effects my body.


So can you make it to the gym at all? There are some good workout styles that can have you in and out in 30min or less and i think three days a week would be ok. There are plenty of good things you can do at home also. Could you get a bench and some weights to work with? You can stay in pretty good shape without stealing all of your free time.


I can handle 3 days a week for 30 minutes… Im so used to being in the gym for like 1.5 hours 4 days a week… I used to be hardcore into this stuff. Things change though haha


What about bigger guys? I want to do both get bulk and get even bigger but would like to cut down some weight. Would that first routine do me better or the bulking up one? How dependent on it is diet, im mainly just watching calories and im not sure how much diet effects my body.


Ok well how big are you? This routine is great for bulking and cutting its one of the reasons i like it. I would just run different splits(how often you work each bodypart) depending on if you are cutting or bulking. Diet plays a huge role on weather you are going to gain muscle mass or not. And yes you can gain plenty of muscle while dropping weight at the same time. Diet dosent have to be perfect to see results man. And to be honest i dont think its right for most people to try to do a strict diet its just not practical for their lifestyle. But what i will say is once you start to see good results you will then start getting more serious with it. Thats what happens to alot of people. Most improtant i think is try to keep your carbs early in the day. Stay away from pointless simple sugars like soda and candy and have protien after everyworkout. If you get more into it a good multivitamin fish oil and creatine i like also. give me an idea of how many days a week you can get to the gym and we can go from there


I can handle 3 days a week for 30 minutes… Im so used to being in the gym for like 1.5 hours 4 days a week… I used to be hardcore into this stuff. Things change though haha


Three days a week and to hit each bodypart once would have to be a high intensity(circut training style) workout. I actually like this method sometimes it will burn more calories and help you stay lean but wont be the greatest for gaining mass. But will deffinatley help strengty. Peopple get hung up on if its perfect for getting huge well i say you probably arent going to do the wrong excercise and get tiny on accident lol. Ok so for you i would do this split.

DAY 1 Chest/Shoulders
DAY 2 Bi/Tri
Day 3 Back/Legs

You can adjust the split however you want. If you are only training each bodypart once a week and want it to last 30min or less you then have 15min per bodypart but dont worry. High intensity training to your rescue. I say two supersets back to back and one dropset for each musclegroup and your set. But be warned this is IMO the most painfull way to train but lactic acid will bring some good growth hormone. Here is an example of the style.

SUPERSET ONE dumbell flye/incline press 2 sets
SUPERSET TWO pec deck/weighted dips 2 sets
Dropset Bench press, three drops

As far as reps since this will be your only style of workout i would do alternating weeks week one low reps im talking 3-5 reps, week two 8-10 reps. In this workout style you will have no rest inbetween sets so your slow twich fibers are going to get blasted by the ebd reguardless so take advantage of heavy weeigh early on to get the most out of you fast twitch as well. Obviousley you can use whatever excercises you want. Let me know if you have other questions

I can work out everyday. 6’0 230lbs. Im pretty stocky already but never had to work out. I would like to see an overall body improvement. Any idea?


I’m sure it is, but my training program consists of actually getting to the damn gym lately. :stuck_out_tongue:

steps on scale “Oh how nice. I’ve gained 10 pounds since my wedding.” goes back to the gym for the first time since June


Its ok the first step to recovery is admitting the problem.:spank:lol


I can work out everyday. 6’0 230lbs. Im pretty stocky already but never had to work out. I would like to see an overall body improvement. Any idea?


EDIT- LOL sorry i didnt realize it said i CAN go everyday. PM me your e-mail i have a great routine save to word ill send you. Its the same i use.

If you can handle 45min-75min i would read the article i posted links to and try to follow that program. As far as training split some of that is determined by person. For a beginner just do each bodypart once a week. Some of the stuff in the articles might bot make sense so post any questions and i will do my best to answer them. Being 230 you might want to consider some cardio as well. I like to split my cardi so it isnt done at the same time as mi lifting but its time consuming this way. So maybe a 20-30 jog or olyptical after your workout will help.


Its ok the first step to recovery is admitting the problem.:spank:lol


I think making time is the second step. I was going to go straight to the gym after studying with a buddy tonight for a couple hours. 4 hours later I understand 5 chapters of accounting and the gym’s closed. :hang:

i started at my heaviest at 260, thru diet an working out w/o a gym i lost 19lbs, no high sugar drinks(lotsa water), Low fat High protein foods, some carbs, no more white bread, whole wheat or multigrain now.
Now ive joined the BAC, i go 5 - 6 days a week, i spend my 1rst 10 there doing cardio on the elliptical, then i go do weights/ resistance training, Ill do arms bi/tri one day, then pecks and deltiods the same day as well. Then the next day ill do legs shoulders, There are days where if i know i have 2-3 hours ill spend it doing everything. Today was real light i had an hour, cardio, weights arms legs, more cardio , then back to weights for a little. I feel happier and im alot less stressed out about things. Its totally changed my mind set about everything now if i dont go i feel like im missing out.
Anyone got suggestions as to when or if i should do creatine/ protein shakes in a few more weeks, im down to about 235ish and im trying to either stay at this weight and develop muscle or drop down to 220 an then go for it. Im out for max results and commiting 2 hours a day really isnt a problem for me.

Oh if your a member too and want to go work out pm me or post, sometimes i get bored going alone and it deters my focus