Eddie Griffin Crashes Enzo

and its caught on tape



Way to turn, Eddie.

lawlz, that jersey barrier owned that Enzo

I bet it costs more to fix that car than what the charity raised.

That crash was too funny!

I wonder who will end up paying to fix it. Not many of these cars built, and it seems like a lot of them are getting wrecked.

He joked about the crash after leaving the ambulance. Referring to himself he quipped, “…the brother can’t drive!”


wasn’t he testing those new barriers that Nascar is using. I think he meant to do that.:bash:

just showed it on the news,three times in a row!!:rofl:

that dude on the other side of the barrier didn’t MOVE!

put him on the list with the Hogan kid.

LOL:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What happened with the Hogan kid? Don’t tell me he wrecked an Enzo too???

No just a Race-equipped dodge Viper, the kid decided he wanted to be a “drifter”, long-story short his little dream was short lived when he met the wall at the track.



Some people think that crash was a hoax, based on the douche that didn’t even flinch as the jersey barrier jumped a foot or two

:rofl: even if he hade made the turn, he would’ve been a few feet from the wall, no one could see he was gonna overshoot it, and no one could react that fast. :rofl:


That’s a hell of a hoax if so. Couldn’t they have wrecked something else a little cheaper and less exotic just for fun?