Edinburgh sept 19th and 20th

Hey just want to come over here and see who wants to go to this again?
Hopefully the same guys show up as in june when we went and had a blasty blast.
Post in here if you want to go and i’ll update our thread on the “other” forum lol

for anyone who hasnt seen the track and might be interested we have a cool top 5 fastest times for our board on the front page
you dont have to sign up just click and watch

So whose interested?
d15kid(however you spell it lol)?

I will be in for atleast one day depending on my exam cituation.

I’ll be there depending on what I did the night?morning before.
Snow tires baby

snow tires did shane well on his spec v lol

:lol They have better tread than my Yoko’s.

car is in hibernation mode until 4/10/2010, i’d 100% be in though. post up on here as SOON AS YOU KNOW when the spring '10 one is

thank you sir

are there details of what this event is somewhere that i am missing?

It’s an autox run by a corvette club on an old kart track.

Btw, there is a MoHud autox that sunday for those who want to do both.

Its the 19th and 20th up at edinburgh ny, 10 mins outside of northville. We all meet up at autozone in johnstown around 800am
its 20 dollars per event or 50 for all three
Just make sure your car is ready like you would a normal auto-x and you have a helmet thats snell 95 and manufactured after the year 2000
heres some info-click on events

heres a video