Edit: Paste not working on my mac

So for some reason, I cannot paste anymore. Apple+V doesn’t work, and I can’t even do it manually through the edit dropdown. I’m so confused, its almost like I accidentally turned the paste function off, but I don’t know why that would even be an option. Can anyone help??

sorry had to do it.

Just right click and pick paste. shit cant do that either.

that sounds really weird. is it a Trash your pref’s problem? happens in all programs or just in the basic OS? Ill shut up now. and let the mac fanboi’s take over.

now I can’t even drag with my mouse. this is fucking ridiculous. I can double click, but I can’t drag.

Hah beat me to it.

My Windows might crash but at least my mouse never fails me!

“iThink, therefore iMac.”

is this a laptop? sounds like you may have a fucked keyboard/touchpad… you spill anything on it?

also ctrl-click is right click for you windows only retards

no its a mini. and the mouse and keyboard work fine.
I can double click on an icon to open it, but dragging does nothing. same thing with any kind of file. If I go to copy and paste something, I can copy it to clipboard via either apple+C or the dropdown edit menu, however pasting does nothing. In the dropdown edit menue or the ctrl+Click menue paste isn’t even highlighted. Like i said its really weird like they got turned off somehow.

It is really hard to explain because it is a really weird problem.

oh and for all you windows humpers, this is the first problem I’ve ever had with the computer in the 3 years i’ve had it.

this might sound stupid but are you sure that it is actually copying the data?

maybe your not actually getting it to the clipboard? I only say this because you said that paste is not highlighted, like the clipboard is empty. Strange problem for sure, hard to troubleshoot without being at the computer…

try installing something like this and view the clipboard to ensure its actually copying. http://macosxreviews.blogspot.com/2007/02/mac-os-x-clipboard-enhancement.html

alright i’ll try that. but then why wouldn’t I be copying? and that still doesn’t solve the dragging issue. Its fucking pissing me off.

Silly macs

Check your kb and make sure a key isn’t stuck.

yea, im still going with something wrong with the keyboard.

do you have another one to try ?

I know this sounds completely retarded, but just try restarting your computer. When stupid shit doesn’t work on my computer, I restart, and boom, it works.

too bad we can’t restart you. :wink:


there is absolutely nothing wrong with the keyboard. its clearly a software issue, as if neither the keyboard or mouse can get something to paste, and paste isn’t even highlighted. and there is still the dragging issue. and incase you still think it is, when I brought it to a friends house so he can take a look I was using his keyboard and mouse.

and i’ve obviously restarted it several times.

I’m currently trying to just completely reformat. I’m upgrading to Leopard in the process.

that sucks :tdown:

Having not used a apple much though, can’t really help. Dual boot OSX and windows?

Do they have live cds for macs? It might be worth a shot to see if the OS is causing problems or if its a hardware failure of some sort.

haha well that will likely fix it - hopefully you don’t have any issues with leopard, its a bit spotty still (no pun intended, but it did work out well that way)

yeah thats what I’m doing, and upgrading to the latest OSX in the process. Should be okay, a friend of mine is working on it for me.