Effin, broads, why so difficult!

double post… lol @ newman

newman ur such an ass :lol::lol:…

but typically posting failure on a forum is going to do everything BUT get you any sympathy. FWIW



no wonder your wife left you.

you’re a pussy.


Naw. It’s just that the 5 black guys treated her better.

I dont care that i post it here, its just internet, have the tools on here are just keyboard jockies. BTW Newman, cant wait to meet you bud.

so many <>< in the sea… soooooo many.


BTW Newman, cant wait to meet you bud.


why wait to meet um? just do what everyone else does and break a window on one of his cars :lol:

have = Half… you must be friends with speedped and misterio


why wait to meet um? just do what everyone else does and break a window on one of his cars :lol:


i was thinking this too hahaha…

such a “coward” move though

If they weren’t difficult they would just be men with vaginas.

No one wants that.

give bar girls some coke and they will be in line to meet you

yikes at this thread


Ok chics, yer at a bar. You make crazy eye contact-mad smiles etc, then when the guy makes a move you shy away!, WTF


i feel your pain, but thats the exact reason i go to the bar to drink, not meet girls, basically they either come up and talk to me or not, im too lazy to smile back across a room or any bullshit like that… then after about 5min of talking they either think im an asshole, or theyre still around… but i take it that you werent doing bad since you got her “name” at which point you were prob holding/hugging her no? i mean have you ever noticed the back pockets on girls jeans? theyre fucking small, too small to fit normal things in. So slip your hand in her back pocket so you can pull her in, or at least hold her there so she wont run away… just my 2 cents (i dont go putting my hands on every girl, but i mean if they come up to you, theyre already slightly interested ya know) **note belt loops are easier, more casual, just as good :wink:

bottom line, some girls ARE crazy… but for me at least if theyre tossing fishing hooks out to me like winking, smiles, crap like that i dont even bother, ignore that shit because it gives them the upper hand, theyre reeling you in. they expect you to respond positively and buy them a drink or something, so of course they shy off because theyre in control of the situation.

**note: this isnt a dating lesson, girls like that annoy me, and its just what works for me

Dude when they lead you on and walk away, before they get to far…yell HEY, HEY!

shell look with big wide eyes like omfg crazy person.

Then you do a flying leap off the stool and kick her in the face, and as shes writhing in pain and holding your face you stand over her and say “thats what you get for leading my on and walking away you fucking cunt”

And it will never happen again in that bar, and hey maybe some girl who thinks that shit is cool will come up to you, or a female cop will pat you down, bowchicabow bow

There was a Lisa Turtle that went to Akron. Look on myspace, she might be on there.

I meet my girlfriends at summit park mall

nothing makes a girl looser than a 8 pound fetus


i feel your pain, but thats the exact reason i go to the bar to drink, not meet girls, basically they either come up and talk to me or not, im too lazy to smile back across a room or any bullshit like that… then after about 5min of talking they either think im an asshole, or theyre still around… but i take it that you werent doing bad since you got her “name” at which point you were prob holding/hugging her no? i mean have you ever noticed the back pockets on girls jeans? theyre fucking small, too small to fit normal things in. So slip your hand in her back pocket so you can pull her in, or at least hold her there so she wont run away… just my 2 cents (i dont go putting my hands on every girl, but i mean if they come up to you, theyre already slightly interested ya know) **note belt loops are easier, more casual, just as good :wink:

bottom line, some girls ARE crazy… but for me at least if theyre tossing fishing hooks out to me like winking, smiles, crap like that i dont even bother, ignore that shit because it gives them the upper hand, theyre reeling you in. they expect you to respond positively and buy them a drink or something, so of course they shy off because theyre in control of the situation.

**note: this isnt a dating lesson, girls like that annoy me, and its just what works for me


this is really creepy.


i feel your pain, but thats the exact reason i go to the bar to drink, not meet girls, basically they either come up and talk to me or not, im too lazy to smile back across a room or any bullshit like that… then after about 5min of talking they either think im an asshole, or theyre still around… but i take it that you werent doing bad since you got her “name” at which point you were prob holding/hugging her no? i mean have you ever noticed the back pockets on girls jeans? theyre fucking small, too small to fit normal things in. So slip your hand in her back pocket so you can pull her in, or at least hold her there so she wont run away… just my 2 cents (i dont go putting my hands on every girl, but i mean if they come up to you, theyre already slightly interested ya know) **note belt loops are easier, more casual, just as good :wink:

bottom line, some girls ARE crazy… but for me at least if theyre tossing fishing hooks out to me like winking, smiles, crap like that i dont even bother, ignore that shit because it gives them the upper hand, theyre reeling you in. they expect you to respond positively and buy them a drink or something, so of course they shy off because theyre in control of the situation.

**note: this isnt a dating lesson, girls like that annoy me, and its just what works for me


Next maybe you can club her…and drag her home by the hair…It worked for cavemen…


If they weren’t difficult they would just be men with vaginas.

No one wants that.




give bar girls some coke and they will be in line to meet you




this is really creepy.


4REELZ WTF dude needs to edit and put a (no serious) at the end.

I would like to add that dude work on your alpha or something sound to me you need them ballz back. Go club a seal or something as a confidence booster then try again.


i feel your pain, but thats the exact reason i go to the bar to drink, not meet girls, basically they either come up and talk to me or not, im too lazy to smile back across a room or any bullshit like that… then after about 5min of talking they either think im an asshole, or theyre still around… but i take it that you werent doing bad since you got her “name” at which point you were prob holding/hugging her no? i mean have you ever noticed the back pockets on girls jeans? theyre fucking small, too small to fit normal things in. So slip your hand in her back pocket so you can pull her in, or at least hold her there so she wont run away… just my 2 cents (i dont go putting my hands on every girl, but i mean if they come up to you, theyre already slightly interested ya know) **note belt loops are easier, more casual, just as good :wink:

bottom line, some girls ARE crazy… but for me at least if theyre tossing fishing hooks out to me like winking, smiles, crap like that i dont even bother, ignore that shit because it gives them the upper hand, theyre reeling you in. they expect you to respond positively and buy them a drink or something, so of course they shy off because theyre in control of the situation.

**note: this isnt a dating lesson, girls like that annoy me, and its just what works for me


I don’t know if its the “women’s back pockets are meant for you to reel them in” or the “you must of been hugging/holding her, because you got her name” part… but this post gets a big…


Wait i know that guy he moved to my neighborhood and i got one of the letters in the mail about him fo sho. It had his pic and said “This sexual predator reelz dem bitches in wit them poketz yo BEWARE” and it later gave the info that telling said predator your name to him is like saying “Please plow my asshole right here right now!” everyone watch out i heard he swings both ways.