Efighting SUX! Anymore....


![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/notso fat.bmp](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/notso fat.bmp)

being 90lbs does not make you so tough on the internet!

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/half as gay.bmp](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/half as gay.bmp)

your right efighting does suck…


if i really wanted your opinion i would beat it out of you. till then you and your little glitter bitch mafia can go and keep daisy chaining each other in the back of your shop.

guess you been reading “Top 100 comeback lines for 4th graders again”

Please return to your regular home, www.myspace.com

chaz,u flat out suck at it!

youre tellin me you havent heard or seen that line before?

Dont you have some cows to catrate?

stop letting schmeider post from your computer.

also call me back fucker!

honestly do you think you’re good at this shit? at this point i think shmeider or what ever the fuck his name is, is a little better than you in e fighting.

im thinking if you had anything spectacular to throw in here youd have done it as of this point of the thread, but seeing that your comebacks and advances fall short of the thinking capacity of a baboon, id say your just another typical retard.

Have a nice day and, Fuck off :madfawk:

Try texting, or iming, or calling again, just whatever you do, dont leave a message that says, “Hey man, call me back”

cause, guess what Anna, I like every other person with a cell phone have caller ID and this other cool feature, (Missed Calls)

I know you called, i seen it, i had to listen to ur message to delete it, and i was busy, call the shop phone, or call again.

:crying: that all i hear coming out of your mouth. and when have you ever come close to dropping anything spectacular in this forum? :fold:

FBA needs to hit the X in the upper right hand corner and never come back

listen cubby, the only red X your goona see is the one i draw on your ass right before i rape you

ur a fucking idiot honestly.

so glad you immigrants are allowed to have an opinion