Election 2012

i’m sure (hope) you meant it this way, but you choose a candidate at a general election too, not a party. voting party lines is a horrible way to vote and shows you are uninformed.

yeah, I guess I kinda worded that a little wrong. I also think just voting for somebody because theyre from a certain party is retarded.

yea, voting a party line is a horrible idea imo. now if you seriously know every candidate that you vote for and end up voting for just one party, thats one thing and perfectly fine, but when you walk in and say i’m a republican/democrat so i’m gonna vote for all the republican/democrats without knowing who they are that is party line voting and is awful.


Yeah, on the form I didn’t list a party which would explain that.

no more blackies in the WHITE house! it’s just wrong, god says so!

the current republican making the most steam is a black man.

Might vote for Ron Paul just because he shares a name with PJB.

Honestly have no clue who I’m going to vote for yet. I’m not getting involved in anything until damn near crunch time.

Correct. As others have said if he doesn’t win the Republican ticket, which he most likely will not, he will run as an independant where he is also all but guaranteed to lose as well.

A primary election is held by the political parties to select their nominees for the offices to be elected at the upcoming general election. In a primary, Republicans run against Republicans and Democrats run against other Democrats. And, of course, if other parties qualify to appear on the primary ballot, their candidates run against each other as well. In a primary, you may vote on only one party’s candidates. You cannot split your ballot between the various political parties. A primary election may also be held for nonpartisan races in order to narrow the number of candidates for the general election.

A general election is between party nominees and any candidates without political party affiliation. The general election determines which candidates will occupy the office that is up for election. Statewide ballot proposals also appear on the general election ballot.

Regardless of your political affiliation it’s good to see people interested in and participating in the political process.

Ron Paul is a crazy right wing nutjob who wants to keep jobs in america, and take money away from those deserving illegals and welfare recipients. He also is aware America is in troubled times and we need to support ourselves before sending our money, jobs and troops to other countries. That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Get closer to your idealogy in the general… dont toss a vote to try to send a message. That can be a party line thing as well.


Don’t care. Probably never will.

If you don’t register for a party you can’t vote in that party’s primary in NY, just so you know. Your voting card this year is for local elections only, which is why it says general.

I will be voting and raising money for Mitt Romney again, just like 2008. Mitt is, aside from John Huntsman, above and beyond the best candidate the GOP has. If the party is at all serious about winning the White House they will coalesce early-on around Mitt. Perry/Cain/Bachman/Santorum would be a waste of time, and as much as I love Newt and would love to see him debate the President (the man is a genius and could run circles around Obama) I just don’t think he could get the job done next year. Mitt is the perfect blend of executive and private-sector experience, and with the focus off of the war and onto economics, who has a better resume?

Cain / Newt would be my 1st choice but they just are not likely electable. Only Mitt is electable in this pack of repubs. Perry is fucking odd.
They all have some issues… republicans do not know how to campaign… if they did, it would be a landslide seeing all the serious damage done by Obama.

I dont even bother voting, we all know NY is going to be a blue state and that isnt changing anytime soon.

Yah… bush didn't do any damage putting us in Iraq or anything.

Most of our economic troubles come from a lot more than Iraq, or anything else in the middle east for that matter. Blame people, not just the government.

I agree… i think there are a lot of things that need to be rethought or ran better/more efficiently. Its just crazy how much money it really costs to run the military. My brother was just out in the mojave desert for training. He was saying that it costs 1 million dollars a day to run that training facility and if you use the motor pool or any other vehicles it ups the amount by several more million.

Every vote counts.

not really.