Engine Stand

Hey this is the engine stand Paulo was giving away a few weeks ago, my engine is being picked up today so Im no longer in need of this. The story is that Mike93’s father fabbed it and it ended up being generously given to paulo, he continued the generosity and promised to pass it on to someone who needed it free of charge, Im going to do the same, all that I ask is that if you ever need to get rid of it that its “given” to someone who needs it. its very heavy duty and rolls nice. I live the the Town of Tonawanda, just LMK, I’ll be around, call, txt, PM,whatever ya want, thanks

-Ian: 239-1928

Haha…glad to see this thing is still surviving! Story is pretty accurate, only error is the stand was built by a friend’s father rather than my own. Funny thing is is I never got around to using it, so I have no idea how well it works:lol:

Here’s a pic of it…


HaHa thanks, I was gonna get a pic when I got home, Oh and it works fantastic, rolls smooth, very sturdy Def works well

Awesome. Keep the tradition alive lol. :tup:

Absolutely :slight_smile:

will you drop it off? lol

does it come apart at all??


No, and no, Jager is gonna get it anyway.


??? Its free man, Im not delivering it. or do you mean wtf to jager ? HaHa, he Pm’d like and hour ago.

i really dont care :gotme: just sounded good at the time… i would not need you to drop it off… but i need one that i could get home … this i could not

No sorry its quite a tank, sturdy though LOL

I live in the town and can come get it :slight_smile:

I will "Pay it Forward’ when I am done with it. :slight_smile:

:word: Jager is coming to get it, thanks for the interest guys, keep and eye out for it again soon.


Gone, thanks mike :slight_smile:

Time to Pay It Forward…

For Free to whoever picks it up. Located in Cheektowaga. First PM and pick up, gets it.


:tup: Just make sure the next person knows they have to give it away, not sell it.